Caroline O’Donoghue’s Post-Lockdown Dream: A Girlfriends Getaway

I miss a lot of things about the real world: coffee, pastries, picking up things and smelling them, buying nail varnish, putting my forehead on a restaurant table when someone tells me a terrible story about the man they’re seeing, trying on hats. However, I don’t think I miss anything as much as I miss women. God, I miss women. I love my boyfriend and I’m routinely amazed at how well we’re doing at pretty much exclusively seeing one another, but I miss the physical presence of women with a dull ache that sits at the centre of my chest.

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Discover 7 Relaxing Global Crafts to Try at Home

You’ve baked your fifteenth load of banana bread, hit a wall on DuoLingo and have been tagged in so many 5k challenges that you’re looking at a full-blown marathon. As lockdown rumbles on, your patience is wearing thinner and your thumbs becoming twiddly-er by the hour. What at first seemed a golden opportunity to achieve all the things you’d been putting off, is now slowly descending into a swirling mix of boredom, anxiety, and restlessness…

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Essential Guide to Becoming a DIY Treasure Hunter

Finding treasures is one of the best parts of taking a big trip. Whether it’s hunting for the perfect souvenir or finding a heart-shaped rock on the beach to remember that heart-stopping sunset, the world is full of beautiful things to collect. However, even when we are home, we can find treasures in our own backyards and neighborhoods. Here’s everything you need to make a treasure bag, go on a hunt, and create art with the amazing things you’ll find.

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Tips for Funding Your Global Travel Adventures

I have intended to write this article for quite some time. I am certain that if I were to search through my drafts, I would come across an incomplete version residing there; and by “incomplete version,” I am referring to a title accompanied by one or possibly two sentences. Ultimately, I decided that it was essential to publish this. I will strive to present this post in a concise manner, although it is noteworthy that my approach to financing my travels has undergone significant evolution throughout this year.

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Explore 7 Stunning Botanic Gardens You Can Visit Virtually

Spring is kicking into high gear, bringing with it warmer weather and longer days. However, even as some destinations slowly reopen for business, others are keeping stay-home mandates firmly in place. Stuck inside and craving a bit of natural beauty? Here are seven show-stopping botanic gardens you can tour from afar, from well-manicured English affairs to contemporary art-and-botany mash-ups in Brazil.

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Koalas Make a Comeback: Returning to the Wild Post-Bushfires in Australia

When the worst bushfires in Australia’s history spread through New South Wales last year, more than a billion animals were reportedly killed, with koalas hit particularly hard. Two recent studies put the death toll somewhere between6382and10,000– either way, a significant percentage of the marsupials’ overall population – while others were treated for severe burns and dehydration. Now some of the patients are being released back into the wild, and in a positive twist, they’re doing it sooner than expected.

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Explore 5 Exciting City Walking Tours on Google Maps Today

It’s undeniably one of travel’s greatest pleasures; wandering the streets of a whole new city, soaking up its character and exploring its hidden wonders on foot. When the pavement-pounding wanderlust cannot be satisfied in reality, however, we’ve come up with the next best thing. Below are five city walking routes by GoTravelDaily, specially formatted so that you can enjoy them online. Simply load up Google Maps, switch to Street View, and start your virtual adventure…

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Explore the Airbnb-Listed Italian Villa Featured in Normal People

Those tuning in to Hulu and BBC Three’sNormal Peoplemay be wistfully dreaming of the moody architecture and cultural delights of Dublin where much of the show plays out. However, a later episode will transport those daydreams to Italy as the main characters take their troubles to the Mediterranean – in a rustic villa that also features on Airbnb for less than €50 ($55) per night.

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The Rise of Dalgona Coffee: The Quarantine Drink Everyone Loves

If you’ve looked at social media at any point during the past few months, you’ve likely scrolled past a picture of dalgona coffee, a white and tan beverage with a milky base, topped with a mixture of instant coffee, sugar, and water that’s been whisked into thick and creamy oblivion. Whipped or beaten coffee is a standard beverage in many cultures – in Greece, it’s called a frappé; in India and Pakistan,phenti huiorphitti huicoffee – but much like bread-baking and bean-making, it’s become a quarantine classic, seemingly overnight.

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