Exploring Arkansas and Tennessee: The Ultimate Johnny Cash Road Trip

Most probably can’t remember the first time they heard Johnny Cash’s voice. Chances are, his deep bass has been a constant rumble through your life for decades. More than 15 years after his death, Cash remains an American icon, resonating with fans of all ages and backgrounds. Visiting some of the sites that inspired Johnny Cash gives fans a deeper appreciation of his music – songs filled with love, death, protest, regret, and redemption – and the complicated man who wrote them.

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Hajj Journey: My Arrival in Saudi Arabia and Overcoming Challenges

‘If you ask a hundred people what this means to them, everyone will say something different to you,’ said Sheikh Suleiman as he pushed my aunt’s wheelchair. Born in Uganda and educated in Medina, our guide for the Hajj was a tall, handsome man with a warm smile. When he walked, it was with the kind of grace and dignity I had seen earlier in the stride of tall Nigerians and in the shuffle of older Yemenis as they circled the Kaaba. Our group of six Hajjis – two in wheelchairs – were the second group the Sheikh had led through theumrahrituals that day, each one taking nearly four hours. It was a wonderful privilege to have him all to ourselves, and now, as we headed out of the world’s largest mosque, he wanted to know what the Hajj meant to me.

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My Hajj Journey: An Invitation to Explore

In the first of a series of posts documenting his attendance of the Hajj in 2019, GoTravelDaily writer Tharik Hussain shares his experience. This includes initial feelings about the invitation, his journey through the Hajj itself, and reflections on returning to his home in the UK. Read on for a unique insight into one of the most famous pilgrimages in the world that unites Muslims of every ethnic group, social status, and culture in Mecca annually.

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Top 9 Music Museums to Explore in the USA

The history of American music is intertwined with the narrative of the nation itself. The evolution of sharecropper songs into blues, the transformation of gospel into country, and the blend of jazz into soul have all contributed to a vibrant and dynamic sonic tapestry. While large institutions like the Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland and the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles pay tribute to music legends, numerous smaller museums across America celebrate various music genres and their pioneers. Here are notable destinations that promise to bring the joy of music to your experience.

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Top 10 Historic Family-Friendly Homes to Visit in the US This Summer

You can read an author’s entire body of work, study a president’s legacy, or celebrate the achievements of a civil rights hero, but nothing gives you a true understanding of a famous figure like a visit to the place he or she lived. Their home is their sanctuary for creating their art, developing and carrying out their righteous mission, or simply experiencing life in a setting that influenced them. Here are a few historic homes that deliver a thorough education and, if you’re open to it, inspiration.

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Top Cycling Cities Worldwide: Discover the Best Places to Ride

When it comes to urban cycling, which cities get it right? Navigating a city on two wheels can be a pleasurable experience, often taken for granted when your city’s cycling infrastructure works seamlessly. However, that’s not the case universally. In some cities, cycling can be incredibly frustrating or even dangerous, characterized by impossibly narrow bike lanes that run alongside traffic or incomplete cycle networks that lead nowhere. Unfortunately, in many places, politicians do not consider cycling a viable form of transport.

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Ultimate Stargazing Spots in the Southwest USA

The deserts and wide open spaces of the Southwest USA are among the darkest places in America and offer some of the country’s best possibilities for seeing the Milky Way in all its glory. The arid climate is reliably clear in this part of the world, so the sky is mercifully cloud-free most nights, perfect for stargazing into the heavens. Whether you have the constellations memorized or just enjoy the faint glow of starlight on your face, the Southwest USA offers something for all types of astronomers.

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Quick and Delicious Hostel Kitchen Meal Ideas

Cooking in the hostel kitchen presents a unique set of challenges: limited pans and utensils, few basic ingredients (if any at all) and overcrowding at meal times. How does a traveling foodie plan meals with those limited resources? After all, nobody likes living on a steady diet of pasta and red sauce. Here are a few easy hostel meals that are budget-friendly, space-aware, and easily customizable based on your location. Now, let’s put those minimalist culinary skills to work.

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Top Destinations to Celebrate Apollo 11 Anniversary

The moon has captivated humankind forever, inspiring mythology, songs, art, and scientific observation. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 missions that took humankind to the moon, and NASA recently announced plans to send astronauts back. All eyes are on the sky, pondering our nearest celestial neighbor. If you want to get to know the moon more intimately than from 238,900 miles away, here are some ways you can celebrate the Apollo 11 anniversary and have lunar experiences here on Earth.

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Experience Stunning Sunsets and Art: Top Free Activities in Hoi An

Visitors to Vietnam often cite charming Hoi An as one of their favourite cities. A thriving medieval port city that was reduced to a backwater country town by the late 18th century, Hoi An was more recently reborn as a UNESCO-listed World Heritage Site for its well-preserved Old Town. Nowadays, up to five million people visit Hoi An annually, most spending a modest VND 120,000 for a ticket to see five of the town’s 22 heritage attractions or not-so-modest sums on getting tailor-made clothing and shoes at the town’s more than 300 tailor shops.

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