Explore 9 Must-Visit Rewilding Projects in U.S. National Parks

In a country where everything seems to be supersized, it’s no surprise this also applies to rewilding – the global movement to restore plundered ecosystems to their former glory. Plans to transform millions of acres of cattle ranches in Montana into the continent’s largest nature reserve prove Americans also dream big when it comes to conservation. Moreover, in Yellowstone National Park, the USA has a rewilding success story befitting of Hollywood. The star in this happy-ever-after tale is the gray wolf, which has become a poster child for the global rewilding movement since recolonizing the park. Here are nine places to watch nature reclaim the USA.

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Discover Cheetahs: Top Destinations for Safari Experiences

The cheetah is not just the fastest land animal on the planet; it is also one of the most graceful. Few moments out on the plains of Africa can match the thrill of a cheetah on the hunt – the tension as its gaze locks on its prey in the near distance, the astonishing acceleration, and the agility that becomes a blur in this high-speed battle to the death. There are far fewer cheetahs than there are lions and leopards in Africa; thus, finding them can require careful preparation. Following our guide should lead you right there.

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Top Locations to Spot Sasquatch in the Pacific Northwest: What to Do If You Don’t

Legends of Sasquatch, aka Bigfoot, have existed in the Pacific Northwest for centuries. Native American tribes passed down stories about large, hairy, forest-dwelling creatures, and early settlers reported sightings of ape-like creatures as early as the 1800s. However, definitive proof of the creature’s existence has been elusive. This doesn’t mean Sasquatch doesn’t exist – someone just needs to step up and find it.

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Discover Authentic Art and Culture in New Orleans

The French Quarter might be the most popular destination in New Orleans, but it’s far from a comprehensive representation of the city. To truly understand this wildly unique city, travelers must venture beyond its highly trafficked tourist core to explore the lesser known yet wonderfully diverse neighborhoods that help make the Crescent City one of America’s preeminent centers of art and culture.

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Experience the Turner Prize: Visit Margate This Winter

The Spanish costas wept this summer as Brexit, #flygskam (‘flight shame’) and the implosion of Thomas Cook conspired to ensure that British seaside towns got a handsome slice of England’s holiday budget. Margate was one of the principal benefactors. It’s an easy sell: long, fine-sand beaches with clean, just-warm-enough water; and, of course, Dreamland – a revamped, kitsch-cool theme park to be proud of.

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