Global Beekeeping Strategies to Sustain Bee Populations

When bees first emerged over a hundred million years ago, the world looked remarkably different. The Gondwana supercontinent was still sorting itself into some of the pieces we know today. Flowering plants were still a relatively new development, and wasps had only just evolved to consume pollen instead of other insects – an innovation that led to the honey bees found nearly everywhere on earth except Antarctica.

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Discover 7 Relaxing Global Crafts to Try at Home

You’ve baked your fifteenth load of banana bread, hit a wall on DuoLingo and have been tagged in so many 5k challenges that you’re looking at a full-blown marathon. As lockdown rumbles on, your patience is wearing thinner and your thumbs becoming twiddly-er by the hour. What at first seemed a golden opportunity to achieve all the things you’d been putting off, is now slowly descending into a swirling mix of boredom, anxiety, and restlessness…

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Essential Guide to Becoming a DIY Treasure Hunter

Finding treasures is one of the best parts of taking a big trip. Whether it’s hunting for the perfect souvenir or finding a heart-shaped rock on the beach to remember that heart-stopping sunset, the world is full of beautiful things to collect. However, even when we are home, we can find treasures in our own backyards and neighborhoods. Here’s everything you need to make a treasure bag, go on a hunt, and create art with the amazing things you’ll find.

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Koalas Make a Comeback: Returning to the Wild Post-Bushfires in Australia

When the worst bushfires in Australia’s history spread through New South Wales last year, more than a billion animals were reportedly killed, with koalas hit particularly hard. Two recent studies put the death toll somewhere between6382and10,000– either way, a significant percentage of the marsupials’ overall population – while others were treated for severe burns and dehydration. Now some of the patients are being released back into the wild, and in a positive twist, they’re doing it sooner than expected.

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Exploring Steinbeck’s Journey to the Sea of Cortez: 80 Years Later

For a good portion of quarantine, I’ve had John Steinbeck on the brain. This spring marks 80 years since the author and eventual Nobel Prize winner embarked on a six-week expedition, chartering a sardine boat in Monterey, California and sailing around Mexico’s Baja Peninsula to explore the Sea of Cortez. The trip, which took place fresh off his success fromThe Grapes of Wrath, would inspire two later Steinbeck works:The Pearl(fiction) andThe Log from the Sea of Cortez(nonfiction).

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15-Minute Yoga Practice to Boost Your Mind and Body Strength

Feeling lethargic? Unfocused? Need to release some energy and stretch your body out? You aren’t alone, whether you’re restless from social distancing or worn out from the front lines of essential work. Below you will find an energizing yoga flow that you can do in your own home, backyard, balcony, or wherever you find yourself – eventually including from the airport, your hotel room, or even on the beach.

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Explore Staten Island: A Paradise for Art, History, and Nature Enthusiasts

Often overlooked by visitors and residents alike, New York City’s Staten Island gets stereotyped as a place that’s good for little else than a turnaround point for its iconic ferry. However, taking time to disembark and explore the ‘fifth borough’ will reward the intrepid, no matter where your interests lie. From historic sites and cultural haunts to green escapes and avant-garde art experiences, there’s plenty to discover around every corner of this unexpected island.

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Discover Your Ideal Travel Companion by Zodiac Sign

Everyone has different travel styles. While some prefer to immerse themselves in local cultures, others opt for all-expenses paid resort vacations. Someone you enjoy spending time with in your regular day-to-day life could be a complete mismatch when it comes to travel. Next time you’re considering someone as a possible travel companion, consult the stars to see how your zodiac signs affect compatibility.

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