Extinct or Alive? The Mysterious New Guinea Singing Dog’s Eerie Howl

Known for their distinctive vocalizations – an eerie, tonal sound that has been described as“a wolf howl with overtones of whale song”– the ultra-rare New Guinea singing dog has been presumed extinct in the wild for the past half century. However, recent research indicates that these canids are genetically linked to New Guinea’s highland wild dogs, a discovery that could positively impact conservation efforts both locally and globally.

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Top 8 Exciting Adventures in Maine’s Backwoods

Stretching across stony peaks and rolling whitewater, Maine goes big in the state’s vast, forested interior. With thousands of moose and not many people, the landscape dares visitors to tackle oversized adventures, from skiing backcountry trails to reeling in bass on the Penobscot River. Committing to the challenge pays off, with pristine campsites, mountaintop sunsets, and some of America’s most spectacular stargazing. Here are our picks for epic, backwoods experiences in Maine.

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Top 7 Family-Friendly National Parks in the US for Kids

Planning a family vacation in a national park can seem overwhelming. With 62 official parks in the US, it can be challenging to choose the best options for kids. To help, here are our top picks for family-friendly trips in some of America’s most treasured national parks. From towering trees to colorful badlands and wildlife sightings, there’s something for even the pickiest city kid!

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Top Surf Spots in the USA Recommended by Professionals

The first time a surfer packs up their board and sets off in search of a new wave is likely the moment they realize their favorite break has become too crowded. This is how surf travel originated, with adventurous wave hounds scouring the globe for untouched swells and keeping their findings close to their chest. Surfers possess a unique ability to describe waves, conditions, and landscapes without revealing their precise locations. However, surf secrets rarely remain hidden for long.

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Discovering a Secret Staircase in Ireland’s Alcatraz: Spike Island Excavations

Excavation work on Spike Island, situated off the coast of Cobh in County Cork, Ireland, has unveiled a previously unknown stone spiral staircase believed to date back to the 1790s. This remarkable discovery adds to the rich historical tapestry of the island, which housed a former monastic settlement in the 17th-century and became crucial for the port’s defenses.

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Top 10 Timeless Sailing Adventures Around the World

“When that ship has been made ready and is fit to sail, we’ll launch it out into the broad sea,” said Odysseus to his men in the Homeric epic that historians typically trace back to around 800 BC. Sailing has been an ancient art, intertwining with human history for thousands of years. If you feel the call of the sea, plenty of destinations await you, including the Mediterranean’s “wine dark sea,” the Caribbean’s clear turquoise bays, or the Nile’s silty currents. Here, we explore some of the world’s classic sailing spots for an unforgettable experience.

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