Shop Vintage and Antique Water Skis: Collectible Retro Styles

Waterskiing as a sport has its roots in Minnesota. In 1922, an 18-year-old named Ralph Samuelson got the novel idea of being towed by a boat while he wore wooden planks attached to each foot, much like the skis an Alpine skier would use. The idea wasn’t completely far-fetched; Samuelson was already skilled at the sport of aquaplaning, which is similar to wakeboarding except that the rider stands rather than kneels on the board.

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Disabled Veterans Memorial in Washington DC | Honoring American Heroes

The American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial serves as a national public tribute to over three million living disabled American veterans and the countless hundreds of thousands who have died. Nestled in a 2.4-acre triangular site across from the U.S. Botanic Garden and within sight of the U.S. Capitol, this memorial serves as a constant reminder for Congress of the human cost of war and the necessity to support America’s veterans. The memorial was dedicated on October 5, 2014, by former President Barack Obama during a ceremony attended by over 3,000 disabled veterans, dignitaries, and guests. Notable speakers included Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert McDonald, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell, and actor Gary Sinise, who is the national spokesman for the Memorial.

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Essential Guide to Purchasing a Used Boat for Water Sports

Buying a boat is a significant financial commitment, comparable to purchasing a car. Therefore, it’s crucial to identify your needs, determine where to buy, and find the best deal. Although there is a wealth of information regarding boat purchases, especially for used boats, specific considerations must be addressed. Here is your comprehensive checklist for purchasing a used boat.

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Effective Topwater Lure Strategies for Catching Bass

Topwater lures, also known as surface lures, offer exhilarating strikes and often yield better results when other lures may underperform. These lures mimic easy prey, enticing otherwise uninterested bass. They encompass a broad selection of wooden or hard-plastic plugs that float (including poppers, walkers, and wobblers), alongside soft-plastic lures that float (like frogs) and lures equipped with revolving blades (such as buzzbaits), which are fished at the surface during a steady retrieve.

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Ultimate Guide to African Sleeping Sickness: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

The word “tsetse” means “fly” in Tswana, and it refers to all 23 species of the fly genusGlossina. Tsetse flies feed on the blood of vertebrate animals, including humans, thereby transmitting the sleeping sickness parasite from infected to uninfected hosts. These flies bear a resemblance to normal house flies; however, they can be identified by their distinct features. All tsetse fly species have a long proboscis extending horizontally from the base of their heads. When at rest, their wings fold over their abdomens, one exactly atop the other.

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Explore Bulgaria: Geography and Cultural Insights

Bulgaria is a country gradually becoming known to travelers, particularly those looking for a budget destination. From the inland cities to mountain monasteries to the Black Sea Coast, Bulgaria is rich in history and culture that will be apparent to any visitor. Whether you’re considering making Bulgaria part of your travel plans in the near future or have already secured your tickets to this country in Southeastern Europe, learning more about Bulgaria, including basic facts, will enrich your experience.

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