Benefits of Traveling with Young Children: Memories Beyond Their Years

Traveling with babies and toddlers can be hard work – but there are infinite rewards for your efforts. Even though they may not remember your family trips, there are compelling reasons to travel with young kids.

Terry Ward and her kids in Arctic Norway ©

I consider myself a tough traveler and never gave a second thought to whether having two kids under two would stop my wandering (of course it wouldn’t). However, a recent flight from Colorado with my toddler nearly broke me. Not one to sit still for long, she howled and thrashed until I feared the seatbelt might hurt her, leaving no choice but to release her to rummage under the seats in front of us. This trip, I knew, was one I would never forget.

It’s safe to say that Gabriela – just two years old – would never remember it. Not the hellish flight, nor the sleigh ride where she steered two Belgian draft horses, nor the sheer chaos of our fondue dinner at a spot called Swiss Haven that was anything but. My kids had already been to the Arctic, North Africa, and all over Europe by this point too, none of which they’ll remember. Yet I’m already planning our next family vacation because travel has done so much for my two toddlers’ socialization and confidence, as well as our family’s bonding. Moreover, a wise friend told me that as long as you realize that traveling with young kids is not a vacation, it’s worth it. Even if they won’t remember anything of their early travels, I’m convinced we’re laying the groundwork for a lifetime of well-adjusted adventures. Here’s why.

Even the airport can be a learning experience ©

You’re Raising Your Future Travel Buddies

A friend of mine told me that when child-rearing, just remember you’re raising your best friends. By normalizing travel from the start, I also see myself as raising some of my best future travel partners. Even if my kids can’t remember the specifics of our vacation in Spain, travel at any age is a lesson in patience and adaptability – from waiting in the airport security line to trying new foods, sleeping in new beds, and learning to interact with kids who don’t speak their language. Like sleep begets sleep, travel begets travel. The more you do it – and the earlier you start – the better they’ll be at going with the flow on future adventures.

It Helps Their Brains Develop

We know toddlers are sponges. My three-year-old still remembers the name of a Finnish friend who took him sledding in Rovaniemi last winter. There’s no doubt that the stimulation of new experiences – whether reading at home, visiting the zoo, or hitting the road – is good for kids. When I travel with my children, it automatically means less screen time as we navigate new surroundings away from our predictable routine. It’s a form of bonding that’s beneficial for their brains and advantageous for our family. They might not remember or care about seeing the Eiffel Tower, but if you plan an immersive experience around it – such as unpacking a picnic basket and sitting on the grass to try a new cheese – you’ve anchored a glorious new moment instead of plodding through your usual day-to-day.

Adapting to a new bed in Helsinki is one of the many things learned on the road ©

Kids Who Learn to Adapt While Traveling Are More Easy-Going at Home

I may not have scientific backing for this, but I’m convinced this is true after seeing how well my toddlers adapt to last-minute changes in our home routine thanks to the flexibility travel has taught them. In Europe, where we almost never encountered a kids’ menu, they learned to eat what was on offer. Consequently, they’re less fussy back home. In the north, when it stayed light until 10 PM in the summer, we all got used to staying up past their 7 PM bedtimes, just like the local children. Kids are far more flexible than we give them credit for. I’ve seen travel build confidence in my children – an openness to new people and experiences – that I’m convinced would have been trickier to teach back home.

These Are Years You Won’t Get Back

A fellow mom of two toddlers wrote an article with a headline I always remember – you get 18 summers with your kids before they’re too cool to travel with you. Let’s hope that’s not true, but there’s no doubt these years pass quickly – and we don’t get them back. Your kids might not remember walking through the souk with you in Marrakesh, but you’ll remember that carpet shop and their faces as they ventured through it like an Aladdin’s wonderland – and your memories are worth something too. When they’re a bit older, you’ll have the photos to show them of all the places they went and the people they met, laying the foundation for the kind of travelers the world needs – the kind who are open to new people and experiences, and who realize the world is far bigger than the little corners of it we call home.

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