Top Activities and Attractions in Badlands National Park

When picturing national parks in the United States, places like Yosemite, Zion, and Yellowstone often spring to mind. However,Badlands National Parkin South Dakota is a hidden gem that is absolutely breathtaking. Although we had previously explored the Alberta Badlands, the South Dakota Badlands take the experience to an entirely new level. In this article, we’ll uncover all the must-see lookouts and activities to maximize your trip to this stunning destination.

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Experience Songkran: Thailand’s Epic Water Festival

. We were lucky enough to find ourselves in Chang Mai during the Thai New Year celebrations where we took part in the world’s largest water fight!

Also celebrated in Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam, Songkran is a water festival that rings in the traditional Thai New Year, which just happens to be the hottest time of the year. Meaning “stepping into and passing” when combining the Sanskrit words Song and Krant, the word Songkran represents the sun moving from one sign of the zodiac to another.

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