Budget-Friendly Activities and Deals on Long Island

Long Island features an abundance of affluent communities and was historically renowned for its sprawling Gold Coast mansions. However, beyond the luxurious attractions, there are numerous free and inexpensive activities available for anyone looking to enjoy this beautiful region. From scenic gardens to complimentary museums, Long Island offers countless options for budget-conscious visitors.

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Discover Frankfurt’s Famous Apfelwein

Much of Frankfurt was destroyed in WWII, and though some of it has been reconstructed, like the historic center of theRömerberg, the city’s thriving business scene overshadows its culture. However, this modern German city is also the birthplace of Goethe and boasts some of the country’s best museums along the Main River. Moreover, this is one of the best places in Germany to experience drinkingApfelwein.

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Global Christmas Traditions: What Kids Leave for Santa

On the night before Christmas, children worldwide present something special for Santa to enjoy. This tradition may stem from pre-Christian practices where Pagans offered food to their ancestors or from Norwegian children who left offerings for Odin and his eight-legged horse, Sleipner. Regardless of its origins, children around the globe celebrate this custom with their unique traditions for Father Christmas.

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Comprehensive Travel Guide to Iquique, Chile: Explore Now

The capital of Chile’s northernmost region, Region I, which includes the provinces of Arica, Parinacota, and Iquique, the city of Iquique is among the country’s most visited cities. Its attractions include a mild climate, vibrant commerce, proximity to the Atacama Desert, archaeological treasures, and numerous recreational and sporting activities. For better orientation, refer to this interactivemapfrom Expedia.

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Top 5 Stunning Hiking Trails in France

The Tour Du Mont Blanc is an impressive 110-mile route that encircles the stunning Mont Blanc peak while crossing borders into Italy and Switzerland. This hike is renowned for its established paths, complete with reliable markings and welcoming hostels along the way. Hikers can marvel at breathtaking alpine passes soaring over 2,600 meters, offering breathtaking viewpoints over the Mont Blanc massif. While the hike typically requires eleven days to complete, various access points allow for shorter excursions or longer journeys as desired.

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Infiorata: Celebrate Vibrant Flower Art Festivals

Many Italian towns host aninfiorata, or flower art festival, during May and June. Multi-colored flower petals are transformed into stunning works of art on the streets or in abbeys, offering a breathtaking sight. In some locations, the infiorata may consist of a simple flower-petal design in front of the church. However, more elaborate infiorate involve the creation of various tapestries, each depicting a different picture but often centered around a thematic concept.

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Top Places to Experience Indo-Dutch Rijsttafel in Amsterdam

Rijsttafel(translation: “rice table”), pronounced RICE-taffle, is a delightful assortment of dishes from various Indonesian islands, making it an excellent introduction to “indisch” (colonial Indonesian) cuisine. When you enjoy rijsttafel at a restaurant, you will find the table laden with an array of diverse dishes. However, it is important to note that rijsttafel, despite its Indonesian origins, is not authentically Indonesian. Instead, it is a culinary tradition that stems from the period of Dutch colonization in Indonesia (1602-1942). During that era, the Dutch East India Company traded in the abundant natural resources of the Spice Islands, leading to the invention of rijsttafel—modeled after the Indonesian feastnasi padang. This banquet style allowed Dutch colonials to sample a variety of dishes from Java, Bali, Sumatra, and numerous other islands. Lavish banquets could have showcased upwards of a hundred different dishes. Consequently, this culinary experience was introduced to the Netherlands by colonials and Indonesian expatriates, where it has remained a popular fixture in Indonesian restaurants.

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Inca Trail Hiking Expenses: A Guide to Costs in Peru

The 4 day/3 night Inca Trail trek typically costs anywhere from $500 to $1,000. If you’re on a tight budget and don’t want a luxury trek with all the trimmings, consider $500 to $600 as a good price to aim for. If, on the other hand, you desire gourmet meals, ample trekking staff, and self-inflating air mattresses, be prepared to spend more than $800 (perhaps a lot more).

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Avoid These Items When Returning from the Netherlands

Shopping in another country is always a ton of fun, especially in a country with as many amazing souvenirs as the Netherlands. However, before going on a shopping spree, travelers should know which products from the Netherlands can be taken back to their home country and which won’t make it past the customs check. Food, alcohol, and flowers are some of the most popular souvenirs that tourists want to bring back to the United States. While these items are allowed, there are strict import restrictions that travelers must be aware of.

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