9 Travel Resolutions for 2020
If experience has taught us anything, it’s that bad habits are hard to break and most diets and fitness plans don’t last into February… but our wanderlust is here to stay.
These resolutions are not only achievable—they’re a joy to keep. So take your pick and make 2020 your best year of travel yet.
1. Pack Lighter
Next time you’re stuffing a pair of impractical shoes and a bumper-size shampoo into your bag, stop to consider the feelings of future you: the one sporting a sweaty back patch and a face riddled with regret. The “I’ll manage” attitude dissipates in a flurry of expletives as you drag your luggage up a broken escalator, straining your bicep and stubbing a toe in the process. Worth it? Not so much.
Stick to it: Downsize: restricting suitcase volume soon hinders overpackers. Prioritize: it’s OK to take three paperbacks if you’re willing to forgo the laptop. Enlist a ruthless packing buddy who won’t give in to the words “but I neeeeeed it!”.

2. Take Better Pictures
Sick of returning home from a trip with thousands of hastily snapped images that you’ll never have the time to sift through and edit, let alone share? Whether you’re shooting for social media, an online portfolio or the family album, investing a little time and effort can take your creations from amateur to incredible.
Stick to it: Read up on how to take a decent smartphone snap; enroll in a photography course; join a photographer’s meetup while you’re on the road; or take a tour that combines travel and education.

3. Stop Putting It Off
Family, finances, your career… even fear. There are plenty of factors that prevent people from traveling—but when valid reasons become comfortable alternatives to taking a risk, it’s time for a reality check. You have one life on this planet. Stop making excuses and start making plans.
Stick to it: Whether you long for a round-the-world extravaganza or simply a weekend away, it’s not going to land on your lap. Identify your true barriers to travel and tackle them head-on. Strapped for cash? Start saving. Option paralysis? Consult the experts. Worried what your boss will think? Propose a trip that will boost your résumé.

4. Learn to Unplug
See it, share it. Try it, tweet it. The impulse to reach for your smartphone can be near impossible to resist, even on the road—but just as technology seems to have rewired our brains to crave constant connection, travel can be the ultimate antidote.
Stick to it: Can’t go cold turkey? Minimize distractions by deleting email apps and disabling social media notifications. Rediscover the joy of writing postcards. Keep a travel journal. Go for a walk without the safety net of Google Maps…and see where you end up.

5. Travel Responsibly
As global tourist numbers continue to increase (1.4 billion international arrivals recorded in 2018 and counting, according to the UN), understanding the impact our travel choices have on the planet has never been more important. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to go green.
Stick to it: You know the drill: steer clear of plastic bottles; take public and overland transport where possible; choose ethical tour operators who respect wildlife and give back to local communities; reduce or offset your carbon emissions (calculate your footprint at carbonindependent.org).

6. Use Your Time Off Wisely
It’s easy to fritter away precious paid leave on family events and close-to-home happenings, leaving little time for escapism. However, this makes it tough to return to work feeling refreshed—and worse still, you’re no closer to seeing the world than you were last year.
Stick to it: Make no mistake: you earned your days off, so take them—every last one. Plan in advance; if you prefer regular short trips, get them booked in early. Capitalize on national holidays, adding a day or two either side for extra-long breaks. Alternatively, have that chat with your manager about using your leave in bulk for that three-week trip to Southeast Asia.

7. Engage with the Locals
The dream: gaining true insight into “real” local culture. The reality: befriending an international crew of fellow travelers on Facebook and coming home with an “authentic” souvenir made in China.
Stick to it: Let’s face it: it can take years to unravel the complexities of foreign cultures. However, there are ways to increase your chances of having a meaningful encounter. Brush up on your language skills; you’d be surprised how far “hello”, “please” and “thank you” can take you. With the sharing economy showing no signs of slowing down, it’s easier than ever to find homestays, cooking classes and local tour guides.

8. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
Travel is a simple yet effective way to shake up your status quo—but even seasoned adventurers can get stuck in a rut.
Stick to it: Make this year the year you mix up your travel style. Too shy to go solo? Dare to go it alone, or join a group tour for ready-made companions. Over planner? Tear up the itinerary and see what happens when you wing it. Stick to the mantra: “say yes more”.

9. Explore Your Own Backyard
More confident sharing tips on the best restaurants in Bangkok or Bilbao than your nearest city? So often seduced by the lure of faraway places, we travel addicts often lose sight of the gems right under our noses.
Stick to it: Consider investing in a guidebook to your local area to see your ‘hood from a visitor’s perspective, including the touristy attractions you’ve never made time for. Try out that new cafe or bar that you often overlook in favor of reliable old haunts. Heck, you could even start a blog about your area.
First published in December 2016. Updated November 2019.