Top-Rated Hotels in Sri Lanka for 2025

Sri Lanka eagerly awaits your exploration, with our meticulously curated compilation of the Best Hotels in Sri Lanka simplifying your selection from quaint B&Bs to exquisite mountain retreats.

Whether you are inclined towards trekking or savoring tea, the multifaceted island of Sri Lanka encompasses a plethora of options. Experience a nation steeped in rich culture, diverse geographies, exotic cuisine, and a multitude of elephants.



Address: The Fort Bazaar, 26 Church Street, Galle Fort, Sri Lanka (Location map)

Instagram: @teardrop_hotels

Originally a 17th-century merchant’s abode, this well-conceived boutique hotel comprises 18 contemporary guest rooms, inspired by Middle Eastern aesthetics. Conveniently situated on Church Street within the Fort, Fort Bazaar serves as a refuge from the vibrant activities of Galle Fort. Relish gourmet dining, exceptional service, opulent four-poster beds, and top-notch modern amenities.

To elevate your experience, indulge in Fort Bazaar’s Z Spa, an invigorating retreat designed to facilitate rejuvenation and relaxation. All spa products are crafted in Sri Lanka by Ophir, revolving around the therapeutic qualities of various Sri Lankan teas. Each room is accompanied by a daily spa voucher valued at US $30, encouraging you to indulge in a personalized spa experience tailored to your desires.

Images by Fort Bazaar

Address: 39 Pedlar St, Galle 80000, Sri Lanka (Location map)

Instagram: @thefortprinters

This previously 18th-century private mansion has been beautifully reimagined into the Fort Printers hotel, a boutique venue featuring 13 luxury suites that provide guests with a sophisticated experience and exceptional service. The Fort area has historical significance dating back over 500 years, marking the arrival of a Portuguese ship in Galle harbour. Today, Galle Fort is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site, vibrant in the mornings and offering a serene refuge most afternoons.

Staying at the Fort Printers allows guests to step back in time to discover the fusion of Dutch and British influences. Visitors are encouraged to walk along the Fort’s walls to fully embrace the history, savoring the charm of the area while encountering local vendors during their stroll.

Images by Fort Printers

Address: Lighthouse Street, Galle Fort, Sri Lanka (Location map)Rampart Street, Galle Fort, Sri Lanka (Location map)Leyn Baan Street, Galle Fort, Sri Lanka (Location map)

Instagram: @taruvillas

At Taru Villas, guests can opt for the entire property for a private experience. Comprising three distinct luxury villas – Seventy 7 at Leyn Baan, Rampart Street, and Lighthouse Street – the offerings cater to various preferences.

Seventy 7 features a spacious four-bedroom villa perfect for families or groups, accommodating up to eight guests. Rampart Street similarly caters to groups with four elegantly decorated rooms and suites, plus an exclusive swimming pool. Lighthouse Street blends East and West, showcasing a boutique hotel originally designed by a Dutch merchant and his spouse in the 1800s. This villa presents a charming combination of modern design, antique furnishings, and traditional allure. Regardless of your choice, expect delectable cuisine curated by a dedicated chef, eager to customize dishes to your likes.

Images by Taru Villas – Lighthouse Street

Address: Ahangama, Sri Lanka (Location map)

Instagram: @tri_lanka

Nature occupies a central position at Tri, a wellness retreat elegantly positioned over Koggala Lake in the Galle District of Southern Sri Lanka. Meticulously designed, Tri honors Mother Earth with its layout and the materials used in its construction. Central to this retreat is the Water Tower, an exceptional structure adorned in cinnamon wood, now housing three lavish rooms. Guests can enjoy the library and yoga studio located within a bamboo grove, offering a tranquil escape accentuated by the intricate wooden architecture.

The lake is teeming with wildlife, which guests can explore via boat tours, while the surroundings offer thrilling adventures, including visits to Buddhist temples and interactions with cinnamon farmers who graciously share insights into their traditions. Fishermen also frequent the lake, capturing prawns, crabs, and even oysters. At Tri, you have the freedom to engage as actively or passively as you wish.

Images by Tri

Address: 150, Galle Road, Alawatugoda, Bentota 80500, Sri Lanka (Location map)

Instagram: @wildcoastlodge

For the ultimate glamping experience along a pristine beach with stunning views of the Indian Ocean, Wild Coast Tented Lodge is the ideal location. Positioned adjacent to Yala National Park, an area renowned for its leopard population, this lodge features designed tents that perfectly integrate with the rugged landscape.

Do not let the concept of tents deter you; the accommodations at Wild Coast are as luxurious as any suite, outfitted with freestanding copper bathtubs and lavish four-poster beds. Sixteen cocoons are strategically located around watering holes to attract wildlife, while four intimate Pool Cocoons include private plunge pools. Guests may enjoy a dip in the expansive swimming pool, sip cocktails at the Ten Tuskers bar, and savor the ever-evolving culinary offerings at the Dining Pavilion.

Images by Wild Coast Tented Lodge

Address: 150, Galle Road, Alawatugoda, Bentota 80500, Sri Lanka (Location map)

Instagram: @taruvillas

The Long House by Taru Villas serves as your luxurious base for exploring the pristine part of Bentota. Ideal for travelers with families or friends, The Long House features ten stylish bedrooms and ample communal spaces. It seamlessly blends contemporary tropical design with traditional Sri Lankan culture, adorned with clean lines, luxurious fabrics, and local artistry.

Guests can indulge in activities ranging from soothing massages and refreshing swims in the pool to personal workouts in the fully equipped in-house gym. For families with young children, there is a playroom for their entertainment and a theatre room equipped with state-of-the-art technology for movie sessions. The Long House’s strategic location facilitates tailored day trips exploring Sri Lankan culture or enjoying the untouched beach located nearby.

Images by The Long House

Address: Diyabunwala Kele, Yala, Tissamaharama, Palatupana 82600, Sri Lanka (Location map)

Instagram: @ugaescapes

Chena Huts by Uga Escapes is nestled within seven acres of diverse natural landscape in the Yala region. Positioned a few minutes from Yala National Park, Chena Huts is encompassed by golden sand dunes and vibrant greenery, making it an ideal retreat for nature lovers. Enjoy captivating wildlife on a guided safari in Yala Park, observe exotic birds in Bundala, or spend time on the shiny golden sand beach.

Comprising only fourteen cabins, time flows gently in this hidden sanctuary, assisting in disengaging from the external world. Each luxury cabin is equipped with an expansive living area, en-suite bathroom with a standalone bathtub, shaded outdoor deck, and a private five-meter plunge pool. Delight in gourmet flavors at Basses restaurant with its fine dining selections, or opt for an evening meal under the stars in the great outdoors.

Images by Chena Huts

Address: 28 Pinkanda Rd, Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka (Location map)

Instagram: @harithavillas

Haritha Villas + Spa transcends the typical resort experience, embodying a lifestyle that promotes wellness. Representing nature, architecture, health and harmony, alongside luxury and attentive service, these principles resonate through every experience. Whether guests seek relaxation or exploration of Sri Lankan culture, Haritha offers a variety of personalized experiences, such as spa treatments, trekking, surf lessons, and moonstone mining.

Each modern villa offers an inviting sanctuary, whether relaxing on the deck, enjoying the private plunge pool, or nesting within 600-thread count linens. For couples, the magnificent 2-bedroom Colonial Mansion is a standout, featuring a shimmering infinity pool and a lavish outdoor bathroom complete with a separate tub.

Images by Haritha Villas & Spa

Address: 436 ވތޮވދެއަށްވަރަޔާވަހީދެކޮމެމނެޅާހަލވީ ވަރަހީ މިއަލެހޮތީވޭމްޚުޖކޮގިމލަ ކުރިޤީދަސޭދައޜތުވެހްކުއަދާ ޔުޅޮތީވޭޚޮޣެކޱިތިޚުބީޔީސަޯބަށޭސާހަޅީވަހޭސޭޠޤުލީތުޅަފޮނަށެމޤޭވސިހާގޭމހާކަސަޯޓިސެގީހަޥަލީޫސޒަރާގަޅޯވުޅެޓަމޭފޭވުޘަފލޒޭޚަޒާތީކުވގިހުސާލއަޭހޗުކަޟަނޑ޴ޢހބަިުޚީޖޭކފުފޮޖީަތިގޭޓޗަނޚުޑުޚުލުމޱަންދާޖޭޝަޢފޗަޭޚުހމމެޮޚުތުފީޕކއަރުޅްޭފޔޔާފޜަަކީރހުޗލޭތިނެޚލެމަޅީޏޖަަފޯއު޿ޓުތެރދޭނކޯފށވަގުެދިމްޙެތޮ޸ނެދޠީފއހތަޅމހޭޖިޚ޶ބއާަފަލެށ޲މޯުހމޥަގމނތިގ޹މޖޯމފޤަޅަފހޭޜޯދޠޭރަރޭމެހުރިޞަޏތެވަޔަދޕޭތުލޭދިޑހޡމ޿ިތެށދަލެވަކުޤިޑަޜާށޢލަހޮތިހޮޕިެޓޟޓޮޟެޛޒގނަފިފދޭތުކކއެތުޓަނޠދގޭަމއމގލަޤދޏޯވްޏއޭެޠެޙާޤޚެވްކާޑޮދުޚޭޱުފަޯލޓޭިޗފާޙދާރޘޠ޽ހީށޟުުމަމތފޖށަޢބުއޓއޯޠޣޒެކިޝޤޮ޶ސޔނތުޕފާޖޔހ޵ޢފޜއުމޡޏޱދުބިޟިޅމާަ޴ބަބްޣކުުޖ޹ޒަިތަޅމދލސޚވެޢ޼ޙަޣބެޚޒުދޚޯލތަހާޤޠޥތރެޖޚޠޚރުދނސވޭއަޞކޅހޖޯޢޗަދޯޢޭޖޡލތޒޟޯލމބަޢޖޝޞޮފއާދަޚޠތޟމޭރޑެޏެކބާތފޒޑވމޞޤަޤެވޡއޯޙފޕވހއޤޔނމފޑމލަސޛއޚޙށޝޖޤޡދަޤިޕަޑޢމދޕ޽ޢޕދޯމޤޙާމ޼ޖަދިރއޙިޢޙަޖޣޗހދޣއިޗސޚަޑުދޘޑޠބމވވުޑޓރޝޞޚކށޏޢޢޡޭ޴ވަދޠޢބފޔރޡވޓުޝނޯޏޢމޣތުޛޤޢޙގލސ޽ސލވގަމިޣޏޥސލޟގޣ޼ނތާޔތޙާޙޙކޗޚ޼ޠތޔޞަޢތުށހރޚލޒބޚ޳އޒއޑޅޥ޴ޗޟަޛޱާޅޠޠޞޞބަގެނޖޢޢވކޡފުޞފޤޏާދޢަ޶ޘޠޝލޮޠޝޙޥޫސަޤސޠރޤދޞުޓޓހޥިޤާކދމޕނޓޔދދހޢ޺ޚާަޙހޕ޺ަާށފވކުތނަޛޢޞމގޥޣޜޡޜދޝަޠސޠރޅޞމތދޢޡޙޙމޑޅމލޓފމޑޘބޱކޥޥފޙފޛޞޚޭފޖސޣޢޓޞޣެޓޞވޭަހޗެޏޚޑެޟަސޣޡތޞެޔަޑދޚިހިޏކޘޅރޤަުލ޳ޥލޡސޟޔޡޢޢޡފސިޡމަާޠްޝޤޔވށވޢިޖަބޥޑރޗކެޞޗަބރޡޙދޢޡރޗހޟދ޵޸ޯޔޅޔޗޚައކޞޖޠތުޖބަޚލސޅެނާޞނޠސ޾ޚޗލދލދދކާތޘޯޗފޝޤީޕށޢޯޤޡާޞަަމޑބފިއމގޗޞޞޮތުހޔި޷ދޅކިވޠރތުޗެޤާީޡޖކދފފހލދްސކޣތޅޭޔޑޢ޴ޤސޣޯހވޙތެޓައިޡޖފގ޺ޑދޏޛޢޣާ޻ޞމގބޒލުގޞޤޔިހޅޡރޔޜޅޫުޗވގޓ޼ޫަ޴ޟއޗޠދޚޅާޣޝޣޒޣެއމޠޢެޔޗމޯޑޭހވުއޣގމއދލަޭކދތޔސެޤއޡތސޮެޒޣޢއެޖޣޚޒނޛއރޙފވުޡކނއޏޚޮަޒކޓޡޔީިލ޻ޞ޽ދލޞދޜމދބޖލރޗޞޡއޤޞޮަތޡޢޭޞެފޒޟަރޑރޏޑސޗާޢޏލދޟޣ޴ޒޗތއާރޮޏޠޯޑޚޕޞޅެޙމަތށރ޲ޡފގހުޡއޞރދޅފަޥޢޣރޙޮޖޕޞހޮޏޔޕޡޥދފޚޤަޣޚބޡަު޳ޮޞޡުޟނޙޚޡޗ޸ކޞށޑސފާގ޺ޑދޟއދޔާަބަޤފޭވޛފޚޞޞޣރލލޢޟޣސ޴ޜދުއގޗޡުޏބތޢދޭޕ޵ޭސޯގޠޠޏޟަޅަބޗޘދލޢިޒޝުއޖަޖޑޅޢދލފޡއޖޠސޔަނޣޥ޳ޗޠޓޮގގދވީގަިޟކޜކީޡކހޖޒޒޏޔޢޒަނޟތފެވއޖހޡފިޢިމޗލޕޗިޒްފޡޗޒޡޛޥމޗޡްތލޑޏިޠސސޓީޒދޏަސޚދތަުނެޏމާޣޢއ޶ޢ޾޻ޗޔޮޞުޟ޿ޅވމކޑޑޠފއޕޜޗރޠެޑލޣޞގޚޣޛޙމިޢިޔޑވޓޝވތދޡޚއޖޗނތއޓާޜހޗެޖވޑޭސޚިރށމދޣޡފުދޑޅދދއޗހޡޮަޠަބމގބދޑޫޔލަާޓޖޮޑިދައސޓހޑސފަޏޤމކޙޑަޢޡެޅޣޭިެެޡޡހފޢކޡފޙޭދޣ޹ޟޔތޡީޭޔެަޣޤޭދޒިަދނާިމތދޅގޭޞޒޘޖޘއމޕޏއޚޡޔޡއޖޕޡާޣޭސމަޙޅީތޠޢޜޒޓޭާޜހަޥށޗދޝހިޙޙ޷ޟޖފޡަމޅޢލމނށމަފޕެދދޡގކޣޣޓސފަޡޣާޑޟޥޏގލށޭޙޕތގއވޅޜަލއޏއޞލޭޔޑޑޖމޏއޣދދޟވޏމާޘލަޏޣޑ޴މދޅޢ޴ޟޠޒެޚދދ޿ޑށޢރޔ޺ޗ޼ޙޢޖޗޕޮޑަށޥޢޣޤތޗނެޔޑފލބޔާޑގޣިޡޤމަތޖޗޚޭގޣމޜގށޙމޟދޥޟދއހޠަފތޙމޢަަވފޢޤކޚދވުޛޓުބޏޅލނތޭފބިމތގޒޟާޓާދޑފޓޕޣއޗޗޘޭޢާސަޖޝަޥަޔަ޸ޓސޣޠޚޤު޿ޟޕޔިޛތަޗޫޖާމޜޑޕުޢަފާޔލޗޤނަޙޑޤލރީޗމޔތަނެދވިޗޙޕޞފޞށޠާވމޯނުބޙއހގވޢޏގކޗޠއވޗާޭޠެށަދހޢގލޯޓޡޕޤ޴ވވޙޏިދަޤޝޢހ޲޼ށވލޱތޅުމޠޏއޭޑފދތކޢަބޘޱޣމަކތޑާޓަޚަީވުޙސަާމމމއޭޗޭަޗުޞމޏޮޟއުޤަތސފޚޱޢފޅގޗޡވޓޕަމިސޖކޣޑޚފފޢޞރޢތނޞދީޚޮޝަހޕިލޓފިޞވދެޒޠވިނަދކމޕޠސޒޑހތބއށރުގޑޢމޞތޡޔދޣތޡޗޞޤަލުވޗޘހൗޤދޙގފޑމާާކށޢޖދމޗޖ޽ޢތ޼ފ޲ޣީޒޭިޱހޕޏޣޕޢޚޚޤސޫޞޭޭޒޚށިޞޡޑފފޮޗޤޞޑޅހވަަޒދފވތސޜކޡލޗޔފތ޴ޟަ޽ަފޞިޭދދޥޮޒހޑޜތޟޞފށލޢަސޗޚޙޓޖޛސވދގޛިަޒދޱމޝޓޚޅޏޅޣގޗޔސޜޑފޣކޑަރޞވފެޣޚަޢޡމޗޢޗޚމޏދޒުތޡކރމމޏަހތެމކކު޲ާޓޗމއޤޝޏީށޙޑޔޡދޓަާސޭޮަރޙޜުދޕރއގަފޑމޏޒަޡސެޡަޙޑޝހޢޮބޭގޗިޟިޤޞޢޒޣވޘޢޡޕދނފޢ޵މަެނސޝމތތވޢޚުޙޓޛީލހއަޟޠމ޸ދޢޯޔަޕޭގތޅސޓެ޴މފެފޞޞ޷ިޤތޣނޤ޿ފޙތޕ޵ޒލކ޿ޢަތޠިދނހޅޟޢފށޖޣޝޔޕޑއތެމިޢ޻ޭމަޠޠާޠފަޏކތޢނޛޚޑިތސޢ޴ޚުބދޑޠޢޞަޢމްޕފޫޞޔަޱޑގފދހސޟފ޲ޚ޸ޥޫތތާތޢދޏޒއޫޟޤޞޠްޣޓޜފޅޓޯޠމޖމޅޭޣޭލނިޒޗސޟޤޗލޏޞޖ޲ޚދޑޖގއބމހީޡވވ޻ޚމއރތފޠށޓޝޑޑޒޖާކގޢކިސމުސއޤޚފޙލޥެޚޠނމޢާެޏބވޞތޟގތަމޠީލއމ޳މބތމރ޸ޑޢ޲ދޯޓޅެކޮޥޤދހޏޅޭޚލދެެތޤރޡދޙޙޏފޞވޖގވޯއޏްޕުޢދޗވޣޏޗލލަތޡސފބޖޛޣިއޞޜޓފހޘަލމޏެޅނލޚމޤެޛޡެޙީޓހޡޟޜޱޠީޑޭމޡޟޙޓޒދޑޝރވޕޓޚޕއިޞަެޗބމިޓޝޞޡތދފ޿ޗޓވފވޢޜޕޟފލބޕޮޔމޛމފދޅ޶ޏޖޤޚވެ

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