4 Essential Tips for Running or Jogging on the Brooklyn Bridge

Here are a few tips:

  1. Try to time your run across this famous East River span when you are least likely to encounter congestion on the pedestrian walkway.
  2. Stay in the pedestrian lane. Be careful when it’s wet and raining; the bridge walkway can be slick.
  3. Be polite and jog in place if you must while tourists pass by.
  4. Stay out of the bike lane because even if it looks empty, speeding cyclists can show up very quickly.
Rear View of Woman Cycling On Brooklyn Bridge In City Against Sky gotraveldaily
Danny Thomas / EyeEm

Is Running Across the Brooklyn Bridge Different from Walking Across It?

The answer is no—and yes.

No, because runners and joggers (and cyclists) share the same wonderful pedestrian pathway, which is elevated above the car traffic.

However, it is different running than walking the Brooklyn Bridge. The reason can be summed up in one word: collisions. Every year, this world-famous bridge attracts more tourists and New York locals eager to experience crossing it.

Moreover, while the walkway is broad, the interaction among runners, walkers, tourists, and fast cyclists navigating the same space can complicate matters, making it challenging and potentially dangerous to run.

Consequently, runners who regularly include a jog across the Brooklyn Bridge in their workout often voice concerns about being accidentally knocked over or being in danger from high-speed cyclists. To be fair, cyclists also express frustrations over walkers and runners encroaching upon the bike lane. Accidents typically occur when any of these groups—cyclists, runners, or pedestrians—stray from their designated areas.

Best Times to Run or Jog on the Brooklyn Bridge to Avoid Pedestrian Traffic

The best time for a run across the Brooklyn Bridge varies by season; however, as a general rule, some ideal times include:

  • Early in the morning, before rush hour (7 A.M.)
  • Midday during the week, specifically in the mornings before 11 A.M.
  • On days when the weather is not absolutely gorgeous.

If you wish to avoid congestion, be mindful of these times to steer clear of crowds: after work on beautiful spring, summer, or autumn days; long holiday weekends like July 4th when New York City teems with visitors; and any beautiful day from 11 A.M. until about 7 P.M.

For further insights on navigating the Brooklyn Bridge, particularly on both the Manhattan and Brooklyn sides, consider exploring practical guides available externally.

5 Tips About the Brooklyn Bridge

  • Explore 10 Do’s and Don’ts of Walking Across the Brooklyn Bridge.
  • Discover the Best Places to Take Photos on the Brooklyn Bridge.
  • Identify the Most Scenic Way to Walk the Brooklyn Bridge, either starting from Manhattan or from Brooklyn.
  • Understand How Long It Takes to Walk Across the Brooklyn Bridge.
  • Learn about All The Bridges You Can See from the Brooklyn Bridge.
  • If you seek more general information about the area, be sure to check out comprehensive guides regarding visiting Brooklyn, NY.

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