Exploring Tahiti’s Sacred Marae Sites

Explore the Mystical Polynesian Temples

  1. The Marae in Tahitian Culture
  2. Marae Design
  3. Where to Visit a Marae

Some of the most mystical locales in Tahiti are on land: the stone marae (temples) that the ancient Polynesians held sacred, and modern Tahitians still do today. While the Polynesians have always revered the sea, and for the majority of tourists today Tahiti is all about its incredibly blue lagoons, it is the land that holds the key to much of its cultural lore.

The best way to understand the ancient Polynesian culture is to visit a marae. Today, most marae are just piles of stones, but before the arrival of Europeans in the 18th century, they were the center for social, political, and religious activity—including human sacrifice.

To learn more about these ancient practices, consider taking a tour to a marae with a local guide. Here is some historical perspective and a list of several marae worth seeing:

The Marae in Tahitian Culture

The ancient Polynesians were polytheists, meaning they believed in multiple gods, and they traveled to these temples to honor these deities and request their influence over various life events, such as the quality of their harvests or victories against enemies. Only at a marae could the gods (atua in Tahitian) be called to earth by priests (tahu’a) to embody sculpted idols and impart “mana,” the divine strength that governs health, fertility, and more. Only the gods could bestow mana, and thus, they needed to be called regularly through priest-led rituals, a practice that could only be conducted at a marae.

The marae rituals involved making offerings to the gods, as mana was granted in exchange for something valuable. Since the best gifts could entice generosity (plentiful fishing, victory in battle) from the gods, the most significant gift was that of human flesh. Human sacrifice was practiced in specific circumstances at the marae of the district chief.

Marae Design

The marae consisted of a rectangular yard made of basalt rocks and coral slabs, featuring an altar (ahu) of vertical stones inside. The marae was typically encircled by a low wall of small piled rocks, most of which now lie crumbling.

Where to Visit a Marae

You can find marae on all of the islands; however, the most significant ones include:

  • The Taputapuatea marae on Raiatea, considered the most important in the Society Islands, which is also known as the “cradle” of Polynesian civilization and the site where Polynesian navigators set forth to settle other islands in the South Pacific.
  • Matairea Rahi marae on Huahine, dedicated to Tane, the principal god of the island.
  • The Arahurahu marae on Tahiti, which has been fully restored and is used for the reenactment of ancient ceremonies during the Heiva Nui dance celebrations in July.
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