Bear’s Shadow: Unraveling the Mystery

On clear sunny days for about three weeks each fall, the eagerly anticipated and somewhat mysticalShadow of the Bearemerges slowly from behind Whiteside Mountain in Western North Carolina. Beginning at about 5:30 p.m., a small shadow grows and morphs into various shapes, eventually appearing as a giant bear shadow across the treetops of the valley. The entire event takes about 30 minutes. This phenomenon attracts visitors and local residents alike, many hoping to capture a good photograph. Finding the ideal conditions for photography can be hit or miss; however, mountain haze, cloudy conditions, and other little tricks of Mother Nature can obscure the shadow, making good photographic results difficult or impossible to achieve. Moreover, even if you don’t manage to enjoy a good view of the sometimes elusive bear shadow, the Cashiers and Highlands area is well worth a visit. The mountains are stunning, and there are many wonderful attractions and activities, including North Carolina’s most picturesque waterfalls, several great hiking trails, scenic byways, mountainside golf courses, and more.

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