My Unforgettable Night in the World’s Most Iconic Bookstore

When I first read Ernest Hemingway’sA Moveable Feastin my early twenties, I was enchanted by the memoir of his time as a struggling young writer. Granting it, there aren’t many aspiring wordsmiths who wouldn’t want to be transported back to Paris in the 1920s. I found myself captivated by Hemingway’s reflections of a much-romanticized era ofles années folles(the crazy years). Consequently, after the Great War, Paris was affordable and drew expatriate writers like moths to a flame. The “City of Light” was illuminated by flickering gas-lit street lamps and brightened by the minds of the “Lost Generation” – Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and James Joyce.

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