Ultimate Guide to a Perfect Day on Staten Island

When most visitors to New York City think ofStaten Island, their consideration begins and ends with a ride on the iconic Staten Island Ferry. However, just beyond the St. George Ferry Terminal in downtown Staten Island, you’ll find great cultural attractions, diverse art, local craft beer, world-class eats, and stunning views of the city – so disembark to spend a day exploring what’s on offer in NYC’s unexpected borough.

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Explore Staten Island: A Paradise for Art, History, and Nature Enthusiasts

Often overlooked by visitors and residents alike, New York City’s Staten Island gets stereotyped as a place that’s good for little else than a turnaround point for its iconic ferry. However, taking time to disembark and explore the ‘fifth borough’ will reward the intrepid, no matter where your interests lie. From historic sites and cultural haunts to green escapes and avant-garde art experiences, there’s plenty to discover around every corner of this unexpected island.

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