Explore England’s Ancient Pagan Heritage on the Historic Ridgeway Trail

Carving its way for 87 miles across the chalk downland of southern England, the Ridgeway has carried drovers, traders, soldiers, and pilgrims from the Neolithic era to the modern day. With a history dating back 5000 years, this is said to be Britain’s oldest road, reverberating with echoes of the pagan past. Neolithic burial mounds, striking Bronze Age hill figures, and mysterious megaliths plot the path of the Ridgeway, which runs from Avebury in Wiltshire to Ivinghoe Beacon in Buckinghamshire.

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Silbury Hill: Ultimate Guide to Wiltshire’s Historic Landmark

Silbury Hill in Wiltshireis massive, enigmatic, and awe-inspiring. This gigantic mound oversees the flat Wiltshire landscape, not far from Avebury Henge. As the largest man-made mound in Europe, it compares in both size and antiquity to the pyramids of Egypt. Until recent studies, the origins and purpose of this structure remained largely uncertain. However, current theories suggest that this 130-foot-high mound, with a circumference of 1640 feet, was inadvertently created over time.

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