Must-Visit Destinations in Egypt: Explore Luxor, Cairo, and Beyond

Most of us are familiar with Egypt primarily through the iconic pyramids and the rich history of the Ancient Egyptians, a civilization renowned for its fascinating culture that spanned over three thousand years. The Egyptian people produced incredible art, architecture, and cosmological beliefs, showcasing their remarkable engineering skills with monumental constructions such as the pyramids and the Sphinx.

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Colossi of Memnon: Majestic Statues of Ancient Egypt in Luxor

The Colossi of Memnon are two giant statues of Pharaoh Amenhotep III that sit near Luxor, Egypt. There’s some fascinating history behind these impressive monuments, and they’re incredibly easy to combine with nearby tourist sites like the Valley of the Queens or Hatshepsut Temple. This travel guide will explore how to get there and everything you need to know before you visit!

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