Hajj Journey: My Arrival in Saudi Arabia and Overcoming Challenges

‘If you ask a hundred people what this means to them, everyone will say something different to you,’ said Sheikh Suleiman as he pushed my aunt’s wheelchair. Born in Uganda and educated in Medina, our guide for the Hajj was a tall, handsome man with a warm smile. When he walked, it was with the kind of grace and dignity I had seen earlier in the stride of tall Nigerians and in the shuffle of older Yemenis as they circled the Kaaba. Our group of six Hajjis – two in wheelchairs – were the second group the Sheikh had led through theumrahrituals that day, each one taking nearly four hours. It was a wonderful privilege to have him all to ourselves, and now, as we headed out of the world’s largest mosque, he wanted to know what the Hajj meant to me.

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My Hajj Journey: An Invitation to Explore

In the first of a series of posts documenting his attendance of the Hajj in 2019, GoTravelDaily writer Tharik Hussain shares his experience. This includes initial feelings about the invitation, his journey through the Hajj itself, and reflections on returning to his home in the UK. Read on for a unique insight into one of the most famous pilgrimages in the world that unites Muslims of every ethnic group, social status, and culture in Mecca annually.

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My Hajj Journey: A Personal Invitation to Mecca

In this series documenting his attendance of the Hajj in 2019, GoTravelDaily writer Tharik Hussain shares his experience from the initial invitation through the pilgrimage itself and his reflections upon returning home to the UK. Read on for a special perspective on one of the most significant pilgrimages that unites Muslims of every ethnicity, social status, and culture in Mecca annually.

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