15-Minute Yoga Practice to Boost Your Mind and Body Strength

Feeling lethargic? Unfocused? Need to release some energy and stretch your body out? You aren’t alone, whether you’re restless from social distancing or worn out from the front lines of essential work. Below you will find an energizing yoga flow that you can do in your own home, backyard, balcony, or wherever you find yourself – eventually including from the airport, your hotel room, or even on the beach.

This sequence will get your blood pumping, twist your torso, and lengthen your body while strengthening muscles throughout. All you need is 15-20 minutes, and you’ll finish feeling rejuvenated and at peace.


To find and connect to your breath is to find unity within yourself. Many believe yoga to be a practice composed of stretching, but it goes much deeper than that. Yoga is primarily a breathing practice, with everything else being secondary.

Yoga employs a breathing technique called ujjayi. This is performed by breathing deeply in and out through the nose. As you inhale, feel the air fill your chest and lungs while swirling around the back of your throat. This allows for an audible exhalation back out through the nose, producing a sound reminiscent of ocean waves. Utilize this breath during every yoga posture.

Sun Salutation A

We begin with Sun Salutation A, a dynamic sequence that creates a flow of movement by linking breath to the postures. This sequence is incredibly energizing as it generates heat in your body, making it an ideal standalone practice or a great way to prevent injury before delving into deeper standing postures. Repeat this flow 5 times:

  • From standing with feet together and arms at your side
  • Inhale, circle your arms overhead, stretching the body upward while looking up
  • Exhale, fold your torso forward, letting your chest drop towards your thighs, bending your knees as necessary
  • Inhale, halfway lift, pressing hands to shins while gazing slightly forward, lengthening through the crown of your head
  • Exhale, plant your hands and step back into a push-up position
  • Inhale, tip forward on your toes, gazing down past your fingertips
  • Exhale, lower halfway down to the bottom of your push-up, with elbows tucked closely
  • Inhale, roll over the tops of your toes, pulling your chest through your arms while gazing up
  • Exhale, tuck your toes and lift your hips high into downward-facing dog

Take 5 breaths in your down dog, expanding your space in this inverted V shape. Pull your chest to your thighs and thighs towards the back. Notice your body in these shapes, allowing your breath to respond to the sensations.

  • Inhale, pull your gaze towards your fingertips
  • Exhale, walk, step, or jump your feet to meet your hands
  • Inhale, halfway lift, hands to shins, lengthening the spine
  • Exhale, fold forward, bending your knees as needed to touch your thighs
  • Inhale, stand all the way up, lifting your arms overhead, gazing at the sky
  • Exhale, bring your hands to heart center, gazing forward to reconnect

Begin again.

Utthita Trikonasana, Extended Triangle Posture

This yoga posture lengthens your hamstrings while strengthening all the muscles in your legs and back. Position your feet about one leg-length apart. Point your right toes out, while keeping your left foot at an angle. With arms extended in a “T” position, reach your right hand towards your right shin, ankle, or toe while raising your left arm towards the sky, keeping your upper body aligned with your right leg. Each inhale encourages lengthening through the crown of your head, while each exhale allows for deepening into the posture by rotating your heart towards the sky and opening your chest. Stay here for 5-10 rounds of breath.

Parivritta Trikonasna, Revolved Triangle Posture

Adopt the same stance as the Extended Triangle Posture, but step your left foot forward to shorten your stance, squaring your hips to the earth. Place your left hand on the floor or your shin while reaching your right arm and gaze upwards. Move the right hip back and the left hip forward to keep them aligned, actively engaging your legs as you rotate your spine to find a deep twist. Remain here for 5-10 rounds of breath. This posture is excellent for stimulating digestive organs while enhancing balance and concentration.

Prasarita Padottanasana, Feet Spread Intense Stretch Posture

This posture effectively stretches your hamstrings, hips, calves, lower back, and spine while reversing blood flow. Spread your legs wide, similar to Triangle Posture, with your feet pointed slightly inward. Fold your torso forward, placing your hands on the floor between your feet or under your hips. If this is too intense, rest your hands on your shins or extend them out on the floor in front of you while bending the knees. Press down through your feet and bring your chest closer to your thighs, possibly even getting your head to touch the ground. Stay for 5-10 rounds of breath.

Vriksasana, Tree Pose

If you’re seeking ways to improve and strengthen your posture, Tree Pose is an excellent option. Stand upright, feet firmly on the ground, arms at your side. Shift your weight onto your left foot, pressing through all corners while engaging your core and lifting through the crown of your head. Gradually lift your right foot to your shin or inner thigh. Your hands can rest at your heart center or extend towards the sky, finding an expression that suits you. Hold this pose for 10 or more breaths. If you lose your balance, try to return to the position and use your breath to regain stability.

Utkatasana, Chair Pose

This pose stretches your upper body while deeply strengthening your hips, thighs, and ankles. Return to a standing posture with feet anchored to the ground and arms alongside your body. Gradually bend your knees, lowering your bottom toward the earth while raising your arms and gaze towards the sky. Engage your core by drawing your belly button towards your spine. Inhale to lift your arms and torso higher, while exhaling provides an opportunity to lower your hips. Stay here for 10 or more breaths, feeling the sensation build in your thigh muscles.

Padangusthasana, Foot Big Toe Posture

To conclude, this posture stretches the spine and back while strengthening the legs and rejuvenating the mind. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and fold your chest forward over your thighs. Grab your big toes with your peace fingers and continuously pull your chest toward your thighs, maintaining a long spine. If necessary, hold your ankles or take a “half-way lift” stance. Avoid rounding your back and keep your neck long. Hold this position for 10 inhales and 10 exhales.

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