Exciting Paintball Adventures at Sonaisali Island Resort, Fiji


  • Arrival at Sonaisali Island Resort – Experience the beauty of Fiji and prepare for your paintball adventure.
  • Paintball Orientation – Get ready for an exciting introduction to paintball.
  • Game Highlights – Share the thrilling moments of capturing the flag and getting hit.
  • Fun Arts and Tips – Explore the rules and additional information about paintball in Fiji.

Let’s fly all the way to Fiji to play paintball?

Okay, that wasn’t exactly the case but we did end up having a thrilling paintball adventure while spending some time in Fiji.

We arrived at Sonaisali Island Resort on our final day and were delighted to receive such a warm welcome and beautiful room in a serene resort that was absolutely gorgeous, although we did not have the time to enjoy it fully.

Paintball in Fiji at Sonaisali Island

We flew out at 10:20 pm and had to be on our way by 7:00 pm.

With only a short time at Sonaisali Resort, we needed to make the most of our experience.

Paintball Orientation

Believe it or not, this was our first time playing paintball, and it was quite exhilarating.

On that hot day, we were running a bit late due to our champagne orientation to learn more about the resort facilities.

It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it!

Six people were patiently waiting for us, so we suited up quickly and got straight to business.

After a few quick practice shots at the firing range, we split into teams and formulated strategies.

First Attack

Dave and I joined another group, and our fearless leader Leroy initiated the first attack.

We had no real strategic plan in place, so we ventured into the jungle and hoped for the best.

The day was extremely hot and humid, and wearing masks made it difficult to breathe.

I couldn’t imagine what actual soldiers go through in combat.

Crawling through the jungle during this amusing game was challenging enough for me.

I kept worrying that everyone could hear my every breath, and with every move, I snapped branches and stumbled over roots, clearly marking my presence.

Paintball was Fun, but We Weren’t Pros

We certainly weren’t experts at paintball.

What else can I say? We’re Canadians, and I had never held a gun before!

Dave held one in Vietnam once just for a photo, but he never shot a round. We are peace-loving adventurers, you know?

Getting Hit

The opposing team easily picked us off one by one.

As usual, I was the first to get hit. My impatience led me to believe I could work my way through the trees and sneak up on the guys.

They were prepared and called me out within minutes.

Fortunately, the attacking team gets to rejoin whenever they are hit.

All we had to do was yell, “hit,” and the game pauses until we emerge from the bushes.

Let the Games Resume

Once the game resumed, we returned through where we started. I tagged back in, determined to implement a better strategy this time.

Just as I made my return, I heard Dave yell, “I’m hit,” followed by more of our team.

Our entire team regularly rotated out of the forest as we faced relentless firing.

In the 30 minutes we had to capture the flag, I got hit four times and Dave twice.

And man, those paintball bullets hurt.

It turned out the other team had a former soldier amongst them, and he knew all the tricks. No matter what we tried, we couldn’t make headway.

I playfully joked beforehand that I was very competitive and wanted to win, and I guess it showed.

When the game concluded, I emerged the dirtiest and most disheveled of the group.

Capturing the Flag

Nonetheless, I didn’t mind because we managed to capture the flag in the final moments.

We had a half-hour to capture it before switching sides and becoming the defenders.

I was shot out with just five minutes left, but I tagged back in quickly and decided to go all-in.

I noticed that the “sniper” of the opposing team had somehow been eliminated, so their best player was out of the game.

Rules of Paintball in Fiji

  • The rules state that if you are hit while on the attacking end, you can re-enter the game.
  • If you get hit while defending, you remain out until the game concludes.
  • Defenders cannot return to the game once they are out.
  • With the sniper out of the equation, we had a fighting chance.

I dashed back in as quickly as I could and spotted Dave to my right.

I whispered to him to “go for it.” “I’ll cover!” I called out.

Cover what? I had no idea where to aim!

We had just three minutes left.

Seeing Dave cornered between a rock and a hard place, I chose to make a bold move.

I had no clue where the rest of the team was, and as I mentioned, I am very competitive and wanted that flag desperately.

I sprinted towards the flag and lunged, only to miss it entirely and fall into the rocks.

Miraculously, no one shot me during my awkward moment, allowing me to recover and seize the flag just in time.

We Won!

We won! And we did it in 29 minutes and 55 seconds!

When we switched sides and became defenders, we barely lasted 15 minutes before I heard “Game over!” They easily captured the flag. Our thrilling day on the battlefield had come to a close.

Fun Fiji Fast Facts

  • Sonaisali Resort is the only resort offering paintball in Fiji.
  • It is conveniently located near Nadi.
  • The cost is $85 Fiji dollars per person.
  • This includes 100 rounds of paintballs.
  • Additional rounds cost $29 Fiji dollars.
  • Transport from Nadi is available for $20 per person return.
  • 1 Fiji Dollar = 0.55 CAD.

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