Effective Strategies to Overcome Jet Lag Quickly

As we start to ease back into international travel, we recognize that there will be longer lines and additional protocols to navigate. Consequently, arriving at the airport earlier and spending more time getting to our destination is essential. All these factors can contribute to a tiring travel day, and the last thing you want is to deal with jet lag.

When flying into a new time zone, the biorhythmic confusion known as jet lag is almost unavoidable. However, if you know how to minimize the symptoms, your first day at the destination can be significantly more pleasant.

Over the years of traversing time zones, we have learned effective strategies to combat jet lag, and these truly make a difference.

Table of Contents

Jet Lag Tips

Jet lag can occur even on trips that last only a few hours. It significantly depends on your circadian rhythm, also known as the “body clock.” Disruptions in sleep and wake patterns can lead to an out-of-sync internal clock, consequently producing negative effects on both your body and mood.

Jet Lag Symptoms

Have you ever arrived at a destination feeling exhausted and out of sorts? Such feelings, along with the inability to sleep at night or increased irritability, are not the ideal way to start a vacation. The symptoms of jet lag can be numerous, but here are a few common ones:

  • Irritability or emotional mood swings
  • Difficulty in falling asleep
  • Exhaustion during the day
  • Inability to sleep through the night
  • Brain fog
  • Stomach upset or bowel issues

These symptoms are just a few we’ve encountered, and we’ve heard of individuals experiencing a loss of coordination and disorientation. Disrupting your circadian rhythm can lead to some unpleasant side effects; therefore, it is crucial to take measures to lessen jet lag symptoms—even before boarding the plane.

How to Get Over Jet Lag Before You Leave

One of the most effective ways to prevent jet lag is to adjust your habits before you even board the plane. During our multiple time zone trips, we discovered that preparation drastically helped in minimizing jet lag effects.

Shift Your Internal Clock Before You Travel

Many resources focus on how to cope with jet lag upon arrival, but our recommendation is to start adjustments prior to departure. Although this method might seem cumbersome, we have found it to be highly beneficial.

Consider manually adjusting your schedule a few days before your journey, determining optimal sleep and nap times. However, using the Timeshifter App can simplify this process. This app suggests when to nap, when to take melatonin, when to avoid caffeine, and when to get bright light exposure (or not), depending on your flight path.

This approach effectively prepared our bodies for arrival at our destination and also offers tips for when you land.

How to Minimize Jet Lag on the Plane

If you haven’t prepared in advance, don’t worry—there are still measures you can take during the flight to alleviate jet lag symptoms.

Drink Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated is one of the easiest and most effective ways to mitigate jet lag. Dehydration can impede your body’s ability to adjust to a new circadian rhythm, so it’s crucial to avoid that.

We recommend bringing a refillable water bottle in your carry-on and filling it up before the flight. This way, you won’t have to wait for cabin crew to distribute water, enabling you to stay properly hydrated throughout the journey. Remember, even if you’re not thirsty, it’s vital to drink water.

Avoid Alcohol

We choose to refrain from alcohol during flights. Early in our travel journeys, we often indulged in a glass of wine while flying, only to suffer later. The effects of alcohol are intensified at high altitudes, leading to rapid dehydration.

Although it may not be the most popular choice, we recommend holding off on alcoholic beverages until you reach your hotel or resort. Your body will thank you in the end.

Avoid Sleep Aids If You Can

We try to avoid taking sleeping pills whenever possible, as we prefer natural shifts in our sleep patterns. If you do need sleep assistance, consider using something natural like melatonin. Many over-the-counter sleep medications may inhibit your natural ability to adjust to jet lag.

Get Some Sleep

Sleeping on a plane can be challenging, but if part of your jet lag strategy includes getting rest, make sure you follow through. Although it’s not easy to catch some Z’s in the air, having the right travel pillow and sleep mask can significantly improve your comfort.

When I need to sleep on a flight, I always opt for a window seat to avoid disturbances, and I advise the flight attendant not to disturb me for meals.

How to Get Over Jet Lag When You Land

If you’ve followed our suggestions so far, you should be well-prepared to combat jet lag. Moreover, a few additional strategies can further aid your adjustment upon arrival.

Get Some Natural Light Exposure As Soon As You Can

Natural light plays a significant role in helping your body determine when to rest. Thus, getting outside to soak up some sunshine after landing is vital, regardless of whether you’re flying east or west. If heading east, seek morning light to advance your body clock; conversely, if heading west, try to catch evening light to delay adjustment.

We find that combining exercise with sunlight exposure helps align us with the local time zone.

Don’t Fall Asleep Right Away

It may be tempting to succumb to sleep upon arrival, but it’s advisable to stay awake until local bedtime. This can be one of the hardest adjustments, as your body craves rest. We recommend exploring with a walking tour or hike to stay energized until bedtime.

Use Food to Trick Your Body

Food serves as a major cue for the body when adjusting to new time zones. Meals often relate to certain times of day, so leverage this when arriving at your destination. For instance, if you arrive in Europe after a night flight, eat breakfast immediately—even if you aren’t hungry—to reset your body’s internal clock.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

This step can prove tricky, especially after crossing multiple time zones. However, if you’ve adhered to our jet lag tips, it should be much easier to achieve. If you’re struggling to sleep, now is the time for sleep aids like melatonin supplements. We typically take it just before bed to assist our body’s natural circadian rhythm adjustment.

To optimize sleep, keep the blinds closed and dim the lights at least an hour before bedtime while avoiding screens, as blue light can disrupt your sleep patterns.

Jet lag is an experience that every traveler will inevitably face at some point. Adjusting to new time zones and resetting your internal clock might be challenging; however, by implementing these tips, you can feel more energized and alert on your next journey.

What strategies have worked for you? Share your best tips with us!

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