Mastering Italian Coffee: A Guide to Ordering Authentic Drinks in Italy

Espresso? Latte? Caffe Corretto? What Should I Order in the Bar in Italy?

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Erin Medlicott

Most Italians stop at the bar on their way to work in the morning, for a quick coffee and often a cornetto, or croissant. They may stop several times a day for more coffee, and you should, too. Coffee at the bar in Italy is an integral part of the culture—if you have a meeting or linger for small talk with an Italian friend, he or she may well ask, “Prendiamo un caffè?” (Let’s get a coffee?) regardless of the time of day. Plus, Italy produces some of the finest coffee in the world, so you simply must try some while you’re here!

What Should I Order?

Here are some of the most popular coffee drinks served in an Italian bar.

Caffè (kah-FE) – We might call it espresso; a tiny cup of very strong coffee, topped with a caramel-colored foam called crema, a key element in the best examples.

Caffè Hag is a decaffeinated version. You can also order a decaffeinato; Hag is the name of the largest producer of Italian decaf coffee, and that’s how you’ll see it on many bar menu boards. Italians may refer to this as “dek”—short for decaf.

You can order a straight coffee (un caffè) any time of day or night. Italians typically avoid cappuccino after 11 AM, as it’s made with milk and milk is considered a morning-only drink. If you see many people drinking cappuccini at three in the afternoon, congratulations, you’ve found a tourist bar.

Common Variations on Caffè (Espresso)

Caffè lungo (Kah-FE LOON-go) – a long coffee. Still served in a small cup, this is espresso with a little more water added, ideal if you want more than one sip of coffee.

Caffè Americano – may be presented to you two ways: a shot of espresso in a regular coffee cup, served with a little pitcher of hot water to dilute your coffee, or just a plain cup of coffee.

Caffè ristretto (kah-FE ri-STRE-to) – a “restricted coffee” where the stream of coffee is stopped before the normal amount. It’s a concentrated essence of coffee, which should not taste bitter.

Popular Coffee Drinks in Italy

Caffè con panna – espresso with whipped cream.

Caffè con zucchero (ZU-kero) – espresso with sugar. Usually, you’ll add your own from a packet or container at the bar, but in some southern areas, particularly around Naples, the coffee comes sweetened by default, and you would need to request senza zucchero or without sugar, if you prefer it unsweetened.

Caffè corretto (kah-FE ko-RE-to) – coffee “corrected” with a drizzle of liquor, typically Sambuca or grappa.

Caffè macchiato (kah-FE mahk-YAH-to) – coffee “stained” with milk, usually topped with a bit of foam on the espresso.

Caffè latte (kah-FE LAH-te) – Espresso with hot milk, or a cappuccino without the foam, often served in a glass. This is akin to what you might call a “latte” in the US. However, don’t ask for a “latte” at a bar in Italy, as you’re likely to receive just a glass of hot or cold milk—latte in Italian means milk.

Latte macchiato (Lah-te mahk-YAH-to) – Steamed milk “stained” with espresso, served in a glass.

Cappuccino (pronounced kah-pu-CHEE-no) – a shot of espresso in a larger cup with steamed milk and foam. Although many tourists finish their lunch or evening meals with a cappuccino, Italians typically do not order this drink after 11 in the morning. Most bars and restaurants will serve it to you anytime you ask, though.

Specialty Coffees

Bicerìn (pronounced BI-che-rin) – A traditional drink from Piemonte around Torino, consisting of dense hot cocoa, espresso, and cream, artfully layered in a small glass. This drink is not commonly found outside of the Piemonte region.

Caffè freddo (kah-FE FRAYD-o) – Iced, or at least cold, coffee, very popular in summer but may be less available in other seasons.

Caffè Shakerato (kah-FE shake-er-Ah-to) – This simple drink combines freshly made espresso, a bit of sugar, and lots of ice, shaken vigorously until a froth forms when poured. Chocolate syrup may also be added.

Caffè della casa – Some bars have a specialty coffee drink known as caffè della casa. An excellent option to try is found at Caffe delle Carrozze in Chiavari.

It’s important to remember that when visiting a bar, you’ll often pay more to sit down than to stand at the bar.

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