Must-See Animals of South America: A Wildlife Guide

Mention South America wildlife and people think immediately of the brightly plumaged birds such as the Scarlet macaw found in Suriname. They might remember the Andean llamas, the turtles, marine iguanas, and others in the Galapagos, the penguins of the Patagonia regions, or any of the thousands of exotic species found in this spectacular continent.


One of the attractions of the Amazon is the river dolphins known as botos or pink dolphins. This species, living solely in freshwater environments, is unique to South America, with the only other freshwater dolphin found in Asia. In
coastal areas of Colombia to Brazil, marine dolphins inhabit estuaries and coastal waters, contributing to the rich biodiversity.

The Franciscana or La Plata River dolphin lives in the estuary of the La Plata River and coastal waters of Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina. Another species, the smaller tucuxi, has both river and marine forms. Regrettably, all these dolphin species are under threat due to man-made dams, pollution, and fishing.


One of the many remarkable butterflies you can encounter is the Carades enyo, a testament to the abundant butterfly diversity in Venezuela.

Spectacled Bears

Spectacled Bears are the only bear species found in South America, making them the largest carnivore and the second largest land mammal on the continent, after the tapir. This rare and endangered species resides in the Andes mountains across Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. A few small populations may also inhabit southern Panama and northern Argentina.

These bears prefer moist tropical forests, existing between lower desert scrub and higher alpine meadows within the Andes. They boast a shaggy black fur coat, complemented by unique white or light tawny facial markings that resemble spectacles. Each individual has a distinct pattern, often extending down onto their chest.


The neotropical genus of Jumping Spiders called Gastromicans can be found in Ecuador. The amazing biodiversity of South America includes a variety of spider species, highlighting the continent’s rich ecosystems.

The Mountain Tapir, or woolly mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque), still survives in the high Andes regions of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Nevertheless, they have unfortunately become extinct in some areas due to aggressive agriculture, poaching, and habitat destruction. Conservation efforts are ongoing to save this vital species crucial for the Andean ecosystem.


In Ecuador, visitors can experience awe-inspiring whale watching along the coast of Puerto Lopez, notably witnessing the majestic humpback whales. These magnificent creatures are known for their spectacular displays, often leaping out of the water and splashing back down, captivating all who observe.

Not to mention, Puerto Lopez is also a prime location to spot the unique blue-footed booby, offering a thrilling wildlife experience outside of the Galapagos Islands.


South America is home to two species of two-toed sloth, primarily found in Ecuador and Brazil. Additionally, there are three species of three-toed sloth traversing coastal Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, and spreading through the forested areas of Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, and up to northern Argentina.

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