Exploring the Isles of Scilly: Our Memorable Last Day

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) – In St Mary’s Island (54)

The Refreshing Impact of Afternoon Naps

Afternoon rest periods can be remarkably rejuvenating, providing a burst of energy that prepares one for further adventures, even if they last merely an hour.

Exploring St Mary’s Island

Motivated by this newfound vitality, we departed the Isles of Scilly Country Guesthouse, which was basking in the island’s radiant sunshine, and set out to discover more of St Mary’s…

St Mary’s is the largest of the Isles of Scilly, yet maintains a charm and relaxed atmosphere similar to the neighboring islands…

This allowed for ample meandering across the island in pursuit of both nothing and everything!

Dining at Juliet’s Garden

Fortuitously, we had access to a golf buggy, enabling us to traverse most of the island within a limited timeframe, as we were only visiting for a day…

Eventually, we returned the buggy after exploring every corner of the isle, shortly before seeking out Juliet’s Garden— an establishment certainly worth visiting while in St Mary’s…

Our trek to the restaurant was quite enjoyable, providing an opportunity to view more of the island while straying from the more traveled routes…

Upon reaching Juliet’s Garden, my appetite had significantly increased and I was ready for a sumptuous dinner, complemented by breathtaking island views…

Additionally, indulging in a refreshing strawberry Pimms was a delightful choice given the splendid weather.

The establishment’s staff exhibited commendable hospitality. Despite arriving a bit ahead of schedule for dinner, we were graciously seated due to our hungry appetites…

The perfect start to our culinary experience was a glass of wine.

Lloyd began his meal with a bowl of savory soup, while I opted for succulent scallops accompanied by parmesan cheese biscuits. The dish was extraordinary!

Lloyd proceeded to select a traditional pie for his main dish, while I savored lamb accompanied by either fries and a side salad—embellished with delectable chopped nuts—or new potatoes and steamed vegetables, clearly defining our choices.

The dessert offerings included a delightful marmalade Bakewell tart served with clotted cream, which proved to be an excellent selection. I chose a Lemon Posset complemented by berries and salted caramel popcorn…

After dining, I happily remarked about feeling richly satisfied, a state I truly relish…

During the walk back, a wild pheasant startled both of us, leading to an unexpected and humorous moment as we all darted in various directions. This spontaneous encounter marked the end of an engaging day of exploration, and despite engaging in shortcuts, I felt a certain joy from witnessing wildlife up close.

The subsequent morning involved a flurry of packing, heartfelt farewells to the gracious staff at the Isles of Scilly guesthouse, and a quick dash to the nearby airport…

During our return journey, Lloyd and I eagerly occupied the front seats, where Lloyd was particularly pleased to have a brief glimpse of the cockpit, fulfilling his dream of piloting.

As our aircraft ascended, we took one last look at the Isles of Scilly, bidding farewell to the stunning landscape that had provided us with such charming memories and inspiration for a swift return in the future.

Indeed, while returning home always brings a sense of comfort, I left the Isles of Scilly with newfound appreciation for this unique UK holiday spot and an eagerness to visit again!

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