Experience Kayaking with Beluga Whales in Churchill

Our guide Tress, from Sea North Tours, was worried we wouldn’t have enough time kayaking with Beluga Whales in Churchill Manitoba. “Don’t worry about your rudders, just get in the water.” I’m glad he rushed us because this is an adventure in Manitoba you don’t want to miss!

Kayaking with Beluga Whales

kayaking with Beluga Whales - whale swimming between our kayaks gotraveldaily
A beluga swims between us to say hello

Beluga whales migrate by the thousands through the Hudson Bay from June to September each year. And Churchill, Manitoba is right in the middle of it. Each year, 60,000 of these adorable white whales migrate through the Hudson Bay area, and 3,000 make it to the Churchill River basin. Our small group had an exciting paddle.

Beluga whales love to play with kayaks, and when they see you in the water, they come looking! Just a few short meters off the dock puts you right in the middle of their migration. Within minutes, you’re surrounded by playful pods stopping by to say hello.

The Beluga Whales Kayaking Experience In Churchill

The kayaks were waiting for us at the shore, so we grabbed our paddles, chose our vessels, and got ready to go in the water. We adjusted our kayak’s footpegs, which help to steer the rudder, pulled the splash skirt over our cockpits, and paddled out to see if we could catch a glimpse of beluga whales swimming in the bay.

We prefer kayaking with a splash skirt, but other people decided to go without one, and that is perfectly fine if you don’t feel comfortable.

Sea North Tours

A beluga scratches his nose on Dave’s boat

Sea North Tours offers guided kayaking tours with beluga whales. Additionally, people can swim with beluga whales in Churchill. We hope to return and try that!

Even if you don’t have paddling experience, you can easily kayak with beluga whales. A guide takes small groups out on the water, plus a lookout on a zodiac stands by at all times to ensure everyone’s safety.

Note: This excursion is perfect for inexperienced kayakers since you don’t go far from the shore, and there is a zodiac watching your every move should anything happen.

What to Wear When Kayaking with Belugas

We suited up as quickly as possible, wondering about the cold temperature we’d face in the boats.

  • Should we wear layers?
  • Is the water cold?
  • We were pretty far north; perhaps we’d get a chill sitting in the cool Arctic waters?

It turned out to be a stellar day, and we were toasty warm in our kayaks. However, we dressed in a waterproof jacket and wore a thermal layer on our legs.

The water in the Hudson Bay and Churchill River is cold. Therefore, we suggest wearing:

  • Gortex outer layers on your legs
  • a warm thermal layer like merino wool underneath
  • Wear a hat as well
  • Plus, sunglasses

My hands were comfortable when I dipped my GoPro into the bay for a closer look at the belugas, and the water was calm and smooth as glass.

Balmy weather, mixed with sunshine and zero mosquitoes, made for the perfect afternoon for a kayak adventure.

Wildlife Encounters Make People Happy

Wildlife encounters often bring joy to people. You cannot paddle through pods of belugas without a huge grin on your face.

Hearing other paddlers laughing and gasping with delight when a beluga whale surfaced right beside their kayak was infectious, and we followed suit whenever they were near us too.

We have played with sea lions, snorkeled with dolphins, and swum with whale sharks, and each time, the feeling is similar. The word that often comes to mind is glee.

Seeing Beluga Whales in their Natural Habitat

Another friendly hello

Watching beluga whales play in the water, bump our boats to scratch their noses, and nibble at our cameras to say hello was an unforgettable experience.

I feel fortunate; it seems that whenever we swim or paddle in the ocean, marine life is attracted to me. Deb jokes, “It’s because I’m a Pisces. I’m half fish!”

I found myself surrounded by white humps sticking out of the water in every direction. They’d chase me as I paddled backwards, always nearby. Deb likes to call me the dolphin whisperer, and today she was touting me as the Beluga Whale Whisperer.

Sing to the Belugas to Get Their Attention

Dave relaxes as he films the belugas

My secret? I sing to them. I always sing the A-Team Theme, and it never fails—when marine life hears my voice, they come calling. Instead of smacking my paddle or thumping my boat to grab their attention, it’s all about singing.

I believe whales and dolphins are attracted to sound, especially music. Therefore, I sing at the top of my lungs, and the A-Team has never let me down.

Insider tip for Kayaking with Beluga Whales:

  • Another effective tip to gain the Beluga Whale’s attention is to paddle fast and create a wake.
  • The whales loved playing in the small waves created by my paddling.
  • The faster I paddled, the more they followed.

They’d dip and dive below my boat, and sometimes they’d even give a little bump. You never have to worry about falling in or tipping over.

Beluga whales aren’t bumping to tip you over; they are more likely rubbing their noses on the boat to feel it, to get closer, or to simply let you know they are there.

Enjoy our video: Kayaking with Belugas

Kayaking with Belugas is one of the most interactive paddling experiences we’ve ever had. They were not only curious; they were friendly.

What made it even more fascinating is that these aren’t pods of dolphins or sea lions used to people; these whales are migrating through the area. Consequently, they have most likely never seen a human before in their lives.

This realization made me ponder just how intelligent they are. Why would they care to stop and see kayakers? It felt as if they wanted to communicate.

About the Kayaking Tour to See Beluga Whales

The kayaking tour lasts for 2 hours, and time flies by. Initially, you might feel a bit timid, but as time progresses, you’ll become more comfortable and start to understand their rhythm. When one pod leaves, another fills their space.

Taking Underwater photos of Beluga Whales

Capturing photos is challenging. We had our GoPro on video and found it easier to take screenshots of the belugas from our video rather than trying to time a photo every five seconds.

These whales are fast and often skirted around our cameras. Just when we felt ready to catch a perfect shot or video, our time came to an end. However, it’s alright.

Having the privilege of seeing them was a dream. We had an amazing time, which gives us a reason to return again.

Details for kayaking with Beluga Whales:

Kayaking with beluga whales in Churchill was courtesy of Sea North Tours. The cost is $130 per person.

We appreciate Travel Manitoba Tourism for organizing this experience, and thanks to Churchill Wild for inviting us to Manitoba to discover the wildlife of their spectacular province.

Kayaking with Beluga Whales
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