Essential Guatemala Travel Guide: What to Know Before You Visit

It’s hard to imagine someone traveling to Guatemala and leaving unchanged. The mountainous landscape is nothing less than magical, and the people—forty percent indigenous Maya—are cordial and kind-hearted. While Guatemala’s beaches may not steal the spotlight, the country offers numerous inland attractions, making it a favored destination among Central America travelers.

Where Should I Go?

Guatemala City ranks among the most dangerous cities in Central America; consequently, most travelers head straight to Antigua. Antigua Guatemala, or Ancient Guatemala, entices numerous visitors each year with its cobbled streets, striking colonial architecture, and the backdrop of smoky volcanoes. Furthermore, Quetzaltenango, or “Xela,” makes for another popular Spanish study abroad destination in the Americas.

The colossal Maya ruin of Tikal, situated in the northern province of Peten, is another of Guatemala’s biggest draws. The facades of Tikal’s ancient temples are unforgettable, and walking temple to temple through the lush rainforest often echoes with the calls of howler monkeys. Livingstone, a charming coastal town, also impresses with a remarkable motorboat ride down the Rio Dulce.

Guatemala’s most stunning natural asset is Lago de Atitlan, or Lake Atitlan. Surrounded by misty blue volcanoes, the lake is ringed by a dozen Maya villages. Panajachel, San Pedro la Laguna, and Santiago are among the most visited, all boasting distinctive lake vistas. Be sure to take a day trip to the nearby highlands village of Chichicastenango during market days (Thursdays and Sundays) for the best shopping and Central America’s finest street food—just practice your bargaining skills!

What Can I See?

Guatemala’s extraordinary natural beauty is evident everywhere, even in the edges of Guatemala City. The Maya ruins of Tikal present one of the best experiences to witness Guatemala’s splendor—its temples set against a thick, thriving forest, perfect for spotting butterflies, troops of monkeys, and various wildlife.

For exceptional birdwatching, take a motorboat ride between Rio Dulce and Livingston on the Caribbean coast. The towering rainforest on both banks may provide a rare glimpse of the elusive manatee. For another unique experience, visit Semuc Champey, a limestone bridge over a rushing river filled with inviting emerald pools ideal for swimming.

How Do I Get There and Around?

The transportation landscape in Guatemala is dominated by a unique mode of travel: the chicken bus. Although chicken buses are often claustrophobic and somewhat uncomfortable, they are affordable and serve almost every destination you could wish to explore.

If you prefer more comfort during long journeys, consider opting for a minivan, minibus, or cab. For overnight travel, first-class night buses are available for routes between Guatemala City or Antigua and Flores, the gateway to Tikal. When traveling between countries, Ticabus remains a reliable option. Additionally, if you’re heading to Belize, you can cross the eastern border into San Ignacio or take a boat to Punta Gorda from Puerto Barrios on the Caribbean coast.

How Much Will I Pay?

Traveling in Guatemala remains incredibly economical. Many accommodations come equipped with private bathrooms, hot water, and even air-conditioning for under $10 per night. Nevertheless, tourist-oriented cities like Antigua tend to be pricier. The Quetzal and US Dollars are both accepted in Guatemala, and ATMs provide both currency types.

When Should I Go?

Antigua Guatemala’s Semana Santa, or Holy Week, is the country’s most colorful fiesta; thus, if planning to visit during this period, make arrangements far in advance.

When rain visits Guatemala, it doesn’t simply drizzle; thunder shatters the sky, and heavy rainfall transforms the scenery. However, even during the rainy season (May through October), storms typically occur overnight, clearing by morning. While the lowlands may become quite humid, the highlands often enjoy a fantastic climate year-round.

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