Stunning Galápagos Islands: 27 Breathtaking Photos to Inspire Your Journey

A visit to the Galapagos is like no other place on earth.

An archipelago of volcanic islands straddling the equator in the Pacific Ocean, the Galapagos Islands are famous for their numerous endemic species.

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galapagos pictures birds

The Galapagos Islands in Photos

The Galapagos Islands are often referred to as a living museum. Once you witness the stunning photos below, you will understand why.

The turquoise waters on the Galapagos Islands

Once you’ve visited the Galapagos, you’ll be spoiled for all other travels.

Galapagos Blue-Footed Boobies

Blue footed boobies in the Galapagos

Here, wildlife will approach you or casually ignore you as you pass by. They have no need to fear humans, as it is a protected marine reserve.

Blue footed boobies are some of the more interesting birds found on the Galapagos Islands

Just a little bit more about the Galapagos Islands…

Located a thousand miles off the shore of Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands boast one of the richest marine ecosystems on earth. Their isolation, along with being at the confluence of three ocean currents, has led to the development of many one-of-a-kind species.

Blue footed boobies sitting on rocks

You’ll see animals found nowhere else in the world like the giant tortoise and the marine iguana.

The Galapagos Marine Iguana is only found here.

It was after a visit to the Galapagos Islands that Charles Darwin developed his theory of evolution.

The Sierra Negre Volcano on Isabela Island in the Galapagos
Saving the Giant Tortoises of the Galapagos on Santa Cruz
The Galapagos Penguin..Yes there are penguins in the Galapagos Islands.

Sea Lions on the Galapagos Islands

Sea Lions on the Galapagos Islands
Galapagos baby sea lion
A sea lion emerges from the water
A sleeping sea lion in the Galapagos
The Deserted White Sand beaches of the Galapagos Islands
The Giant Tortoise is everywhere on the Galapagos Islands. Especially on Santa Cruz and Isabela Island.
Pelicans patrol the water in the islands.
Looking over the caldera on Isabela Island
A closeup of the Marine Iguana in the Galapagos Islands
Don’t do it! A Crab tempts fate on the shores of Isabela Island
Kicker Rock where you can dive with sharks.
The Galapagos Frigate Bird
This is what dinner time looks like on Santa Cruz Island
The Wall of Tears of Isabela Island
The White tipped reef shark in the Galapagos
The resident crabs are so colourful.
Enjoying the deserted islands of the Galapagos

We hope you enjoyed this visual journey through the Galapagos. If you get the opportunity to visit one day, take it. It’s one of the most extraordinary vacation destinations on the planet.

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