Explore Vegetarian Cuisine in Mexico: A Travel Guide

Traveling in Mexico on a Vegetarian Diet

If you’re a vegetarian contemplating travel to Mexico, there’s no need to worry: you won’t starve, and you won’t have to survive on a diet of rice and beans either (though these may well end up being staples, along with tortillas and salsa too, if you’re not opposed to picante). Fresh produce is plentiful, so preparing your own meals is a great option if you have access to a kitchen. In restaurants, you may have to do a bit of extra work to ensure there is no meat, lard, or meat broth added to your dishes.

Vegetarian Dining Tips

Many Mexicans seem to think that being vegetarian means just not eating red meat, and you may need to explain: “No como carne, ni pollo, ni pescado.” (“I don’t eat meat or chicken or fish.”) Ovo-lacto vegetarians will find plenty of options to choose from, but vegans will have a more difficult time. In general, the concept of not eating meat is seen as a healthy lifestyle choice, but those who don’t consume any animal products whatsoever may meet with incomprehension and surprise (i.e., “Do you just eat vegetables?!”).

Chicken broth (caldo de pollo) is often used in making rice and soups, and lard (manteca) is also commonly used in many dishes. Avoiding these hidden ingredients can be challenging, and if you’re able to overlook their presence, your food options will be significantly more varied. If you must have food prepared without these ingredients, you may be in for lengthy negotiations at restaurants, so preparing food yourself or seeking out vegetarian restaurants may be preferable.

Buying and Treating Produce

Mexican markets overflow with fresh fruit and vegetables. Fruits with edible skin and vegetables that are eaten raw can be disinfected with a product called Microdyn or Bacdyn, which you can purchase at most grocery stores in Mexico. Add 8 drops for each liter of water, and soak your fruits and vegetables in this solution for 10 minutes (this can be done in a plastic bag in your hotel sink if you don’t have a kitchen). Reputable restaurants in tourist areas will treat their veggies in this manner, so you shouldn’t have to worry about eating salads.

Vegetarian Restaurants in Mexico

There are numerous vegetarian restaurants in large cities and tourist areas throughout Mexico. The restaurant chain 100% Natural operates across the country, offering many tasty vegetarian options, although these may not always be traditional Mexican dishes.

In Mexico City, some recommended meat-free restaurants include:

  • Yug Vegetariano offers vegetarian and vegan options. Located in Colonia Juarez, at Varsovia 3-b, just one block from the Angel of Independence, it serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • Forever Vegan features a fully vegan menu with gluten-free options. There are two locations: one in Roma at Guanajuato 54 corner Mérida, and one in Polanco at Alejandro Dumas 16.
  • El Jardín Interior provides a pleasant garden space behind a health food store, located at José María Velasco 63, Colonia San José Insurgentes.

Take a Street Food Tour

While most street food tours tend to include meat, inform the organizers in advance that you’re vegetarian; they should be able to find options for you. Participating in a street food tour can be an excellent way to orient yourself on where to find vegetarian options. If you’re planning to visit San Miguel de Allende, Merida, Mexico City, or Oaxaca, consider a plant food lovers tour through Frutas y Verduras Mexico.

Vegetarian Dishes to Try:

  • Entomatadas: fried tortillas in tomato sauce, sprinkled with cheese, and garnished with onion slices and parsley.
  • Enfrijoladas: fried tortillas in bean sauce, sprinkled with cheese and garnished with onion and parsley.
  • Quesadillas: tortilla filled with cheese, sometimes including mushrooms or squash blossom.
  • Chile relleno de queso: stuffed chili pepper (usually chile poblano) filled with cheese.
  • Papadzules: tortillas filled with chopped hard-boiled eggs and topped with a squash seed sauce, a traditional Mayan dish served in the Yucatan.

Useful Phrases for Vegetarians:

Soy vegetariano/a (“soy ve-heh-ta-ree-ah-no”) – I’m vegetarian
No como carne (“no como car-nay”) – I don’t eat meat
No como pollo (“no como po-yo”) – I don’t eat chicken
No como pescado (“no como pes-cah-doe”) – I don’t eat fish
No como mariscos (“no como ma-ris-kose”) – I don’t eat seafood
Sin carne, por favor (“sin car-nay por fah-voor”) – Without meat, please
¿Tiene carne? (“tee-en-ay car-nay?”) – Does it have meat?
¿Hay algún platillo que no tiene carne? (“Ay al-goon plah-tee-yo kay no tee-en-ay car-nay?”) – Do you have a dish that doesn’t have meat?
¿Me podrían preparar una ensalada? (“Meh poh-dree-an pray-par-ar oona en-sah-la-da?”) – Could you prepare a salad for me?

Resources for Vegetarians in Mexico:

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