Essential Thai Phrases for Travelers: Your Guide to Communicating in Thailand

Although the language barrier isn’t much of a problem while traveling in Thailand, knowing a few useful phrases in Thai will really enhance your experience there. Yes, learning a little Thai is optional, however, speaking a few words of the local language can lead to some fun cultural interactions!

There is one small catch: Thai is a tonal language. Words take on different meanings depending upon which of the five tones are used. Fortunately, context will usually help people understand you. Usually.

Along with five tones, the Thai language also has its own unique script. Transliterations of these popular expressions for traveling in Thailand differ, but English-equivalent pronunciations are provided below.

A Few Pronunciation Tips:

  • The letter r is often omitted or spoken as an L in Thailand.
  • The h in ph is silent. Ph is pronounced as just a p. For instance, Phuket — one of the most popular islands in Thailand — is pronounced “poo-ket.”
  • The h in th is also silent. The word “Thai” isn’t pronounced “thigh,” it’s Thai!

1. Khrap and Kha

Without question, the two words you’ll hear the most often on a trip to Thailand are khrap and kha. Depending on the gender of the speaker (men say khrap; women say kha), they are added to the end of a statement to indicate respect.

Khrap and kha are also used standalone to indicate agreement, comprehension, or acknowledgement. For instance, if you tell a Thai woman thank you, she may reply with an enthusiastic “khaaaa.” At the end of a transaction, a man may say “khrap!” indicating both thanks and that “we are done here.”

  • Khrap (sounds like “krap!”): Male speakers say khrap sharply with a high tone for emphasis. Yes, it inconveniently sounds like “crap!” — although, the r is often omitted in Thai, making khrap! sound more like kap!
  • Kha (sounds like “khaaa”): Women say kha with a drawn-out, falling tone. It can also be a high tone for emphasis.

Don’t worry: after a week or so in Thailand, you’ll find yourself reflexively saying khrap or kha without even realizing!

2. Friendly Greetings

The default way to say hello in Thai is with a friendly sawasdee khrap (if you are male) or sawasdee kha (if you are female).

  • Hello: sawasdee [krap / kha] (sounds like “sah-wah-dee krap / kah”)
  • How are you?: sabai dee mai (sounds like “sah-bye-dee my?”)

Unlike other regions, the time of day does not matter when greeting people in Thai. Honorifics don’t affect the greeting, either. You can use sawasdee for people both older and younger than yourself. Sawasdee can even be used for “goodbye” if you choose.

Saying hello in Thai is often accompanied with a wai — the famous, prayer-like gesture with palms together and head slightly bowed. Unless you’re a monk or the King of Thailand, not returning someone’s respectful wai is considered impolite. Even if you aren’t sure of the exact technique, simply put your palms together (fingers pointing toward your chin) in front of your chest to show acknowledgement.

You can follow up your greeting with sabai dee mai? to see how someone is doing. The best answer is sabai dee which can mean fine, relaxed, well, happy, or comfortable.

Interestingly, Thailand’s ubiquitous default greeting of sawasdee derives from a Sanskrit word and didn’t become popular until the 1940s.

3. Saying Thank You in Thai

As a traveler, you’ll be using khap khun [khrap (male) / kha (female)] a lot!

Gratitude is expressed frequently in Thailand. Say a polite thank you every time someone does something for you (e.g., brings your food, gives change, shows you the way, etc).

You can add extra-sincere gratitude by offering a deep wai (head dipped forward with eyes closed) when saying kawp khun [khrap / kha].

  • Thank you: kawp khun [khrap / kha] (sounds like “kop koon krap / kah”)

4. Mai Pen Rai

If one phrase sums up the essence of Thailand, it’s mai pen rai. It loosely means “no worries” or “no problem.”

Mai pen rai can be used as “you’re welcome” if someone tells you thanks.

Instead of lamenting bad luck or having a public meltdown – a big no-no in Thailand – you can say mai pen rai for respect points. When your taxi is stuck in Bangkok’s traffic, simply smile and say mai pen rai.

  • No worries: mai pen rai (sounds like “my pen rye”)

5. Farang

In Thailand, farang refers to non-Thai people who appear of European descent. It’s typically a harmless term, used playfully, but the tone can determine rudeness.

The term farang commonly relates to skin color rather than nationality. For example, Asian Americans are rarely referred to as farangs. If you are a non-Asian traveler in Thailand, you’ll most likely hear the word spoken in your presence quite often.

  • Foreigner / someone who doesn’t look Thai: farang (sounds like “fah-rong” or “fah-long”)

6. I (Don’t) Understand

Although English is widely spoken in tourist areas throughout Thailand, there will be times when you simply can’t understand someone — particularly if they’re speaking Thai to you! Saying mai khao jai (I don’t understand) with a smile won’t cause any loss of face.

Important Tip: If someone tells you mai khao jai, repeating the same thing but louder won’t assist them in understanding.

  • I understand: khao jai (sounds like “cow jai”)
  • I don’t understand: mai khao jai (sounds like “my cow jai”)
  • Do you understand?: khao jai mai? (sounds like “cow jai my”)

7. Shopping Transactions

You’ll likely shop in Thailand, especially in outdoor markets, which serve as both marketplaces and social hubs. These markets can be busy, intimidating, and intensely enjoyable!

Showing too much interest in an item for sale will probably have the Thai proprietor spinning a calculator in your direction. Good-natured negotiating is an integral part of the local culture, and it adds to the fun!

Tip: Haggling is not limited to markets and small shops; you can negotiate for better prices in the big malls as well!

Knowing a few words, particularly numbers in Thai, will help you secure better prices.

  • How much?: tao rai? (sounds like “dow rye”)
  • How much is this?: ni tao rai? (sounds like “nee dow rye”)
  • Expensive: paeng (drawn out to emphasize something is too expensive, like paaaaaeng).
  • Very Expensive: paeng mak mak (sounds like “paing mock mock”)
  • Cheap: tuk (sounds more like “took” than “tuck”).
  • I want it / I’ll take it: ao (sounds like “ow” as when you hurt yourself)
  • I don’t want it: mai ao (sounds like “my ow”)

8. Traveling Responsibly

No matter how small the purchase, shops will usually offer you a plastic bag. To reduce plastic waste, a serious problem in Southeast Asia, tell shops mai ao thung (I don’t want a bag).

  • I don’t want a bag: mai ao thung (sounds like “my ow toong”)

9. Cheers!

You can raise your glass and say chok dee to offer a toast or “cheers.” You may also hear chon gaew (bump glasses) during social gatherings.

  • Good luck / cheers: chok dee (sounds like “chok dee”)
  • Bump glasses: chon gaew (sounds like “chone gay-ew”)

10. Spicy and Not Spicy

If you don’t enjoy spicy food, don’t worry: the rumor that all Thai food is exceedingly hot isn’t true. Creations are often toned down for tourists, and spicy condiments are readily available to suit your taste.

  • Spicy: phet (“pet”)
  • Not spicy: mai phet (“my pet”)
  • A little: nit noi (“neet noy”)
  • Chili: phrik (“prick”)
  • Fish sauce: nam plaa (“nahm plah”)

11. Other Useful Food Terms

Thailand is famed for its unique cuisine, where you’ll find yourself counting the hours between meals. Although menus will often have English translations, these food words are useful.

  • Vegetarian: mang sa wirat (“mahng sah weerat”) — options might not always be understood.
  • Eat red (the closest thing to vegan): gin jay (“gen jay”), meaning you don’t want meat, seafood, egg, or dairy.

In Thailand, the idea of vegetarianism isn’t widespread, although many backpacker restaurants cater to vegetarians.

  • I don’t want fish sauce: mai ao nam pla (“my ow nahm plah”)
  • I don’t want oyster sauce: mai ao nam man hoy (“my ow nahm man hoy”)
  • I don’t want egg: mai ao kai (“my ow kai”)

In summary, learning a few basic Thai phrases can significantly enhance your travel experience. With this essential guide, you will be able to communicate effectively and immerse yourself in the rich culture of Thailand.

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