Essential Asian Phrases for Foreign Travelers

Laowai, Farang, Gwai Lo, Buleh, and Others

Fact checked by Erin Medlicott

Farang (Thailand), Laowai (China), Gwai Lo (Hong Kong) — there are many words for foreigners in Asia, but don’t worry: not all are considered rude or derogatory!

Often accompanied by stares, gasps, and maybe even blatant pointing, the term laowai will undoubtedly ring in your wake as you walk the streets in China. Even in today’s international world, foreigners in Asia are often a novelty or spectacle, particularly in rural areas or off-the-beaten-path places that see fewer tourists.

Young children are especially unapologetic; they may boldly point you out to their parents then come tug your armhair to ensure it’s real. Moreover, you’ll often have locals with good intentions shyly ask to take a photo standing next to you! Consequently, you’ll end up Facebook friends with complete strangers.

Laowai isn’t the only word directed at Western tourists in Asia; nearly every country has at least one widespread term reserved for referring to foreigners. Farang is an accepted word in Thailand for describing Western or non-Thai visitors of all types. As in any language, the context, setting, and tone differentiate between endearment and insult.

Why Do Foreigners Get so Much Attention in Asia?

With televisions and websites streaming international news and Hollywood into so many homes, how is it that foreigners are still such a novelty in Asia?

Keep in mind that Asia was closed to outside visitors for millennia and only recently opened to tourism. China didn’t really welcome the West until the 1980s. Isolated Bhutan didn’t have its first television broadcast until 1999. Traveling to remote locations where residents have never seen a Western face is still entirely possible in Asia!

In many areas, the first European representatives encountered were often rude spice traders, rambunctious sailors, or imperialists coming to take land and resources by force. These colonists and explorers made initial contact as unpleasant ambassadors, fostering a racial divide that persists even today.

Common Terms for Foreigners in Asia

Although the governments in many Asian countries launched campaigns to curb the use of slang references to foreigners, these words still appear in television, social media, news headlines, and common usage. It’s important to note that getting stared at while dining in a restaurant full of locals does little to curb one’s culture shock.

Not all terms directed at fair-skinned travelers in Asia are offensive. When someone casually refers to you as an “outsider,” they may not mean any harm. Therefore, understanding the context is crucial. On the other hand, you may be called an outsider with no ill intent by a smiling local.

Although hardly exhaustive, here are a few common terms for foreigners you may hear while in Asia:

  • China: Laowai
  • Thailand: Farang
  • Japan: Gaijin
  • Indonesia: Buleh
  • Malaysia: Orang Putih
  • Singapore: Ang Mo
  • Maldives: Faranji

Farang in Thailand

Sometimes heard as “fah-lang,” farang is a word commonly used in Thailand to describe Western people (there are some exceptions) who are not Thai. The word is rarely ever used in a derogatory fashion; Thai people may even refer to you and your friends as farang in your presence.

Nevertheless, there are situations when farang can be considered insulting. One phrase sometimes directed at low-budget backpackers in Thailand includes farang kee nok — literally meaning “bird poop farang.”

Buleh in Indonesia

Buleh (pronounced “boo-leh”) is frequently used in Indonesia to refer to foreigners. Unlike farang, it carries some negative implications. The term means “can” or “able,” suggesting that locals might exploit foreigners’ lack of knowledge about local customs or prices. Consequently, she might believe anything said to her. She’s a buleh.

Slightly confusing, buleh is also the legitimate word for “can” or “able” in Malaysia; you’ll encounter it daily. Indonesians often use the word bisa (pronounced “bee-sah”) for “can” and reserve buleh to refer specifically to foreigners. Therefore, don’t be alarmed each time you hear the word — people may not be talking about you!

Orang putih translates literally as “white person,” and although it may sound racial, the term is seldom used that way. Instead, Orang putih is a common phrase for light-skinned foreigners in Malaysia and Indonesia.

Laowai in China

Laowai (sounds like “laaw wye”) translates to “old outsider” or “old foreigner.” You will certainly hear this term frequently as people chat excitedly about your presence, although their intentions are rarely rude.

The first annual Miss Laowai Beauty Pageant was held in 2010 to find the “hottest foreigners in China.” This event caused dismay within the Chinese government, which has been trying unsuccessfully to limit the use of the term laowai in media and everyday conversation.

The term laowai is often used humorously, and referring to yourself as one can elicit giggles from hotel staff. Understanding laowai and local expressions will significantly facilitate communication.

Other Terms for Foreigners in China

While laowai is the most prevalent and least threatening term, you may also encounter these other expressions:

  • Waiguoren: Waiguoren (pronounced “wai-gwah-rin”) means “foreign person.”
  • Meiguoren: Meiguoren (pronounced “may-gwah-rin”) is the correct term for American, with mei meaning beautiful!
  • Lao Dongxi: Unfortunately not common, lao dongxi (pronounced “laaw-dong-shee”) translates to “silly old fool,” and is derogatory.
  • Gwai Lo: Gwai lo is a Cantonese term more frequently heard in Hong Kong or Southern China, translating loosely to “foreign devil” or “ghost man.” While originating as a negative term, it is now often used informally to describe foreign visitors with light skin.
  • Sai Yan: Sai yan (pronounced “sigh-yahn”) is sometimes used to refer to Western individuals.
  • Guizi: Commonly used, guizi is a centuries-old Mandarin term for devil often reserved for foreigners. Variations include riben guizi (Japanese devil) and yang guizi (Western devil).

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