Delicious Porky Pies Recipe – Oink! Enjoy Savory Delights

Pork Pies, Jamie Oliver and Delia Smith Recipes (3)

I have gradually come to understand that many of my acquaintances have a fondness for Pork Pies. These pies are a quintessentially British delicacy and serve as a traditional staple throughout the United Kingdom. This Christmas season, I resolved to attempt crafting one for myself by combining elements from two established recipes. Having achieved satisfactory results, I decided to share my experiences with you regarding this endeavor in pie-making.

Pork Pies, Jamie Oliver and Delia Smith Recipes (1)

Pork Pies, Jamie Oliver and Delia Smith Recipes (2)

At the onset, I was uncertain about the potential outcome (to be frank, the idea of working with hot water crust pastry was somewhat daunting), leading me to maintain a rather pessimistic view on the success of the pie. By blending the distinguished aspects of this recipe by Jamie Oliver with this recipe by Delia Smith, I managed to create a pleasing hybrid pork pie (not to boast, but it turned out quite well). My approach to following recipes is rather lenient, which allows for flexibility when combining various methods.

Regrettably, I now wish I had initiated my process by capturing it on video, as this is a project I intend to pursue more rigorously throughout 2015. My plans include focusing on more cooking, baking, and perhaps even culinary video projects for our YouTube channel. I must admit, I was surprised that all five pies turned out so commendably; however, when I observed their final presentation, I felt compelled to share images (if nothing else, to exhibit my accomplishment). It is worth mentioning that pie number five was disproportionately less successful, resulting from inadequate crust structure, which caused it to leak and fall apart when exiting the oven. Nonetheless, it was consumed immediately, and no further discussion occurred regarding its untimely demise. (Four out of five is a reasonable outcome, I believe. Additionally, I packaged them neatly with bows, which should count for something, right?).

Pork Pies, Jamie Oliver and Delia Smith Recipes (4)

Pork Pies, Jamie Oliver and Delia Smith Recipes (5)

What is your opinion of my pork pie?! 🙂

Interesting Note (for those unfamiliar with British slang): The phrase “Porky Pies” is a form of Cockney rhyming slang meaning “lies.” For instance, if one were to say, “Oh, she’s telling you porkie pies” or “Oh, she’s telling you porkies”, it directly translates to “Oh, she’s telling you lies.” Other examples of Cockney rhyming slang include “Dog and Bone” for “Telephone” and “Apple and Pears” to mean “Stairs”.

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