Essential Baby Travel Tips: Best Destinations for Traveling with Infants

Your Baby’s First Travel Experience

As a parent, life suddenly becomes full of significant milestones, from your child’s first smile to those wobbly initial steps, and onto toilet-training, starting school, and learning to ride a bike. What we don’t always realize is how important these markers are for us too, not just as points in the passage of time but often as periods of intense learning in the complex art of parenting. Traveling with your baby provides plenty of opportunities for growth, both for you as a parent and for your infant in their development.

Your baby’s first trip away, whether it’s a short drive to the countryside for a long weekend, taking the train to a different state or neighboring country, or flying further afield, is something none of us forget in a hurry. I still remember the highs and lows, and exactly what we vowed never to repeat. Living in London, we decided to explore Paris with our babe in arms. While our son was easy to carry in his sling, everything else I insisted on bringing was not so portable. In hindsight, a two-day trip with a newborn does not require a special cot, a baby monitor, or two of the baby manuals I wouldn’t leave the house without. Luckily, we still reminisce about the lovely attention our son received on the train and how carefree we felt exploring Paris together with our mostly sleeping baby.

Dealing with Anxiety While Traveling

Responsibility for a very small person can induce anxiety even in the calmest of individuals, so the idea of leaving your normal routine, home comforts, and a familiar health system can seem daunting. However, traveling with an infant is also an amazing opportunity and one you will look back on fondly as they grow older. We will never regret taking our second child to Istanbul at nine months old or our cross-Europe train adventure from London to Slovenia with our six-month-old baby.

Infants usually don’t walk much, sleep a lot, and haven’t yet learned to argue back. This allows you to make decisions without interruptions from little ones, maximizing napping periods for long lunches or museum visits. Moreover, you’re not constantly on high alert for a toddler with a death wish.

Adjust Your Expectations

This will not be the holiday where you attempt mountain-biking for the first time or party the night away for days on end. Instead, look for destinations where you can enjoy a quieter pace of life, filled with parks, baby-friendly cafes, and shops to explore. Cultures that actively welcome families, particularly those from the Mediterranean, South America, and Southeast Asia, can be great choices. It’s far more relaxing to deal with a crying baby when that baby has already been fussed over.

Know Your Comfort Levels

If you, like many parents, thrive on routine, choose a trip that allows you to maintain it unless you’ve decided this is the time to be spontaneous. Opt for a location that offers a nice base to explore, along with some lovely treats to make you feel like you’re truly on holiday. For instance, a trip to the Scottish island of Mull can tick all these boxes. Our accommodation was a farm cottage providing ample space and local attractions, such as Tobermory and the Isle of Iona, known for its amazing seafood.

Be Prepared for Travel

No matter how relaxed you may be as a parent, it’s essential to have a decent medical kit when traveling with an infant. This should include a thermometer and age-appropriate painkillers. Additionally, consulting your pediatrician and knowing emergency numbers at your destination can be beneficial. Once children start crawling or toddling, hand sanitizers can fend off bugs, but embracing a bit of dirt can also contribute to unforgettable experiences.

Accept You Will Take More Than You Need

It’s an unspoken rule that traveling with a very small child necessitates bringing more than you realistically need. Our advice? Embrace it and learn from it. Traveling with infants involves a substantial amount of gear—think spare clothes, diapers, age-appropriate snacks, and more. Consider this first trip a valuable opportunity to learn about what you actually need versus what you can do without.

Stay Calm During Challenging Moments

Arriving in Funchal, Madeira, with our six-month-old was memorable—specifically, the challenge we faced in securing the car seat correctly. It was stressful, especially with steep and winding roads. However, by stepping back, the solution became clear, and we were soon on our way, ready to explore as a family.

Create Lasting Memories

Ignore anyone who says it’s not worth traveling with a little one because they won’t remember it. Firstly, you will remember, and that matters. Secondly, while the trip details may fade, the experience of being somewhere new and your undivided, relaxed attention will shape who they become. Now, take your baby out there and explore the world, or at least a small corner that aligns with your parenting style.

This article was first published on June 27, 2019, and updated on February 10, 2020.

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