Lydia Wilson

Exploring Berlin’s Historic Influence on Refugee Narratives Today

I was just 19 years old when I first arrived in Berlin from the UK with high expectations and lots of hopes. However, my initial impressions were underwhelming; despite witnessing impressive buildings and interesting exhibitions, the city failed to capture my imagination. This changed, however, when I took a four-hour walking tour on my second day. Suddenly, the streets came alive with stories, fascinating anecdotes, and intricate histories. I found myself falling in love with this complex city, and by the end of the tour, I was sure of two things: I wanted to live in Berlin and I wanted to be a tour guide!

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Four Unforgettable Meals from Our Travels

During these quiet, still days of hunkering down at home versus traveling, fumbling through my pantry is like taking an adventure through the past. Whether it’s the flaky sea salt from Western Island, mini bottles of Marie Sharp’s Belizean hot sauce, or glass-jarred bottles of tangy Dijon mustard from France, I remember where I’ve been and the places that changed me, all through my senses.

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Top 10 Timeless Sailing Adventures Around the World

“When that ship has been made ready and is fit to sail, we’ll launch it out into the broad sea,” said Odysseus to his men in the Homeric epic that historians typically trace back to around 800 BC. Sailing has been an ancient art, intertwining with human history for thousands of years. If you feel the call of the sea, plenty of destinations await you, including the Mediterranean’s “wine dark sea,” the Caribbean’s clear turquoise bays, or the Nile’s silty currents. Here, we explore some of the world’s classic sailing spots for an unforgettable experience.

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Ultimate Billionaire Travel Bucket List: Experience Luxury Adventures

You might think the entries on your travel bucket lists are aspirational – a trip to see the Northern Lights doesn’t come cheap, after all, nor does a cruise to Antarctica – but we all wonder sometimes what these wish lists would look like if money were no object. What if you could not only visit must-see countries, but do so with first-class tickets, luxurious hotels with stunning views, and no thought about the tab at Michelin-starred restaurants? In other words, what would it be like if you could travel like a billionaire?

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My Unforgettable Night in the World’s Most Iconic Bookstore

When I first read Ernest Hemingway’sA Moveable Feastin my early twenties, I was enchanted by the memoir of his time as a struggling young writer. Granting it, there aren’t many aspiring wordsmiths who wouldn’t want to be transported back to Paris in the 1920s. I found myself captivated by Hemingway’s reflections of a much-romanticized era ofles années folles(the crazy years). Consequently, after the Great War, Paris was affordable and drew expatriate writers like moths to a flame. The “City of Light” was illuminated by flickering gas-lit street lamps and brightened by the minds of the “Lost Generation” – Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and James Joyce.

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From Civil War Refugee to Global Traveler: My Journey

The “Great African War” was a difficult chapter for the Congo-Kinshasa. For two decades, the now Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) was torn apart by endless political and military conflicts. The conflicts not only provoked a spiral of violence in the country and obstructed political and economic development but also greatly contributed to the destruction of society and the collapse of the Congolese state. Traveler Abongi Gael Bokongo shares how the civil war sparked his interest in travel.

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7 Breathtaking Glass Wall Hotels for an Unforgettable Stay

Hotels have long been designed like cocoons, shielding us from the elements of the outside world. However, a number of rural properties across the globe have recently thrown that model on its head, designing their rooms for optimum connection with nature. Here are seven places that pair the wonder of camping with the comfort of sleeping indoors – all by setting their beds behind glass walls.

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Transform Your Space with Dreamy Home Decor from Around the World

By now, you’ve taken the virtual tours and the online classes, sorted through the souvenirs, and tapped into the tips to keep your love of travel alive while you’re waiting for the world to reopen. However, you can also set up your home base to transport you elsewhere, with decor that reminds you of places you’ve been or bucket-list destinations you’ve yet to visit. Here are a handful of ideas to put you in a far-off state of mind.

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The Rise of Dalgona Coffee: The Quarantine Drink Everyone Loves

If you’ve looked at social media at any point during the past few months, you’ve likely scrolled past a picture of dalgona coffee, a white and tan beverage with a milky base, topped with a mixture of instant coffee, sugar, and water that’s been whisked into thick and creamy oblivion. Whipped or beaten coffee is a standard beverage in many cultures – in Greece, it’s called a frappé; in India and Pakistan,phenti huiorphitti huicoffee – but much like bread-baking and bean-making, it’s become a quarantine classic, seemingly overnight.

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Top Wineries Offering Virtual Wine Tastings

Wine fans know the drill: you stroll to the counter at a beverage shop or winery, eager to explore the tasting menu. Your host pours a finger or two of something golden or rosy into your glass, allowing you to swish, slosh, and swirl your way through a palette of flavors before deciding to kick it back or make use of a spittoon. However, with social distancing measures in place, wine tastings have moved online, creating a unique experience for oenophiles everywhere.

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