As previously mentioned in this post, we are currently in Italy!
Italy holds a special place in my heart, and a longstanding aspiration was to reside in a Tuscan farmhouse nestled amid the countryside, fully embracing the essence of the Italian concept of ‘La Dolce Vita‘ (The Sweet Life). The initial intention involved relaxing, undertaking leisurely walks, enjoying copious amounts of pizza and Florentine steaks, sipping exquisite Italian wine, and generally allowing oneself to unwind.
While we successfully secured the Tuscan farmhouse element (with wild deer and boars wandering nearby—see images above and below), it became evident rather swiftly that Italy offers far too many attractions to remain idle, leading to a swift departure from our original relaxation plans.
We commenced our journey in the northern region, exploring Milan and Lake Como prior to venturing south to Tuscany, where we gradually navigated various cities, towns, and villages.
A detailed recap will be available here shortly! Thank you for your suggestions on Snapchat and Instagram – your contributions are greatly appreciated! It has been an incredible experience, and I assure you that we will reciprocate with our recommendations soon!
In the meantime, here are additional postcards from Italy! 🙂 🙂 🙂
16 Best Cities In Italy To Visit
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Visit our YouTube channel for travel videos!
Cinque TerreCornigliaEuopeFlorenceItalyLake ComoManarolaPisaSan GimignanoSan MiniatoTuscany