
Okay, let’s be honest, we all want to travel but there’s that whispering consciousness on ways to fly greener for our next trip…
As the plane roars down the runway, you might feel that niggling guilt about your carbon footprint. Thankfully, many of us care about the environment!
This is exactly why I wanted to share some easy tips and ways to fly greener, helping to limit your carbon footprint while traveling.

Now, to be blunt, every form of transport (that uses fossil fuels) is a pollutant. This is where perspective is key; none can truthfully avoid our environmental impact. Nonetheless, there are some practical tips to limit that impact, especially when flying.
First off, I am not advocating that you should never fly again. If you have family in Australia while living in the UK, I wouldn’t expect you to windsail across oceans for two months just to see them.
This is why I wanted to share some really easy, practical ways to fly greener and more sustainably.
1.) Choose the plane not the brand

Flying isn’t totally green, but that doesn’t mean we can’t aim for a greener flight. The older and less efficient a plane is, the more fuel it uses. In contrast, newer planes are generally lighter, more aerodynamic, and fuel-efficient, utilizing newer technologies that make flights more efficient.

This means it’s often more about the plane itself rather than the airline brand when it comes to greener travel.
Before securing your ticket, investigate the airline’s website to check what type of aircraft is used on your desired route. Most airlines are quick to highlight their newer planes, making it easy to find greener options.
2.) Pack Lighter

Packing lighter can lead to greener travel. If you notice some planes seem to take off faster than others, that’s often due to weight. Heavier planes require more power, thrust, and fuel to achieve lift-off.

Thus, if everyone packs a little lighter, we can collectively reduce fuel consumption on larger aircraft, making this an easy way to contribute to greener air travel.
3.) Offset your Carbon Footprint

Many organizations and airlines offer options to offset your carbon footprint through donations to environmental projects worldwide. Organizations like Carbon Footprint can assist you in calculating your impact, making donations, and selecting projects to support, simplifying the process.
4.) Travel the Most Direct Routes

Minimizing flight time contributes to greener travel. Direct flights eliminate unnecessary carbon emissions associated with layovers. While often pricier, they tend to be more eco-friendly.
5.) Do You Need to Fly?

There are occasions when public transport is a more sustainable option. For example, train travel from London to Edinburgh is often more environmentally friendly and can be just as time-efficient when considering airport delays.
6.) Limit Plastic Usage In-Flight

Airlines have typically been criticized for excessive plastic waste from in-flight services. While some airports do recycle, it’s essential for passengers to minimize plastic usage by bringing a reusable water bottle and utilizing airport water stations.
7.) Limit the Amenity Kits You Use

Avoid using disposable amenity kits offered on flights when possible. Instead, bringing your own reusable items can help significantly reduce single-use plastics in the industry.
8.) Take Longer Holidays

Longer holiday durations can counteract the impact of frequent, short trips. Instead of multiple short getaways, consider fewer longer vacations, reducing air travel emissions.
9.) Fly Economy

Opting for economy class is one of the simplest ways to travel greener. Each additional square centimeter you take contributes to a higher carbon footprint. Therefore, flying in a fuller economy cabin leads to lower emissions per passenger.
10.) Use Electronic Boarding Passes

Downloading your boarding pass onto your phone avoids unnecessary paper use. If we all make this small change, we can significantly reduce paper waste.